View Full Version : Planted show tank

Fish Freak
07-27-2003, 04:59 PM

I wanna set up a planted tank and i want there to be some fish also. I would like people with planted tanks to tell me some of the equiptment they used and how the progress was. I have a 65 gallon tank that is not occupied and it will be the one i am planting.


07-27-2003, 09:45 PM
I don't know how much reading you have done, but here are some links. This is where I would start:


Also read the Sears Conlin paper


Then come back and ask questions.

Here is a link to a good message board

A few things. I do like Fluorite (others methods may work as well, but none are as simple and hassle free).

CO2 injection isn't necessary, but if you wan't one of the big lush tanks with challenging plants, it makes life a whole lot easier. And FYI, there is a guy at Aqualink right now selling an entire CO2 setup at half price.

07-29-2003, 09:27 PM
I am by far no expert, but here is what I have done. I have a 29 gallon, I use that fertilizer gravel that starts with an f ;D, I think it is called Florivite or something like that, and I have a Aqua Clear 200 on it. I use a Plant Grow bulb too. My plants look great and the tank looks nice, but I think my Discus may be stunted (all though I did that long before I got the plants :)) But, all seems to be doing ok. I should say that my Discus don't look stunted, but I have had them a year and I they are only about 4 inches in diameter. Hope that was some help, I'm more of an African guy myself, I'm still learing about Discus.