View Full Version : Whats going on here

07-28-2003, 06:24 AM
ive been reading avidly the many post on this section of the forum .... I have a situation that has been going on for a week or so but becoming more frequant ...

4 adults ages approx 18 months .... Blue Powder (what I can only assume to be a female from what the breeder told me) she is the most agresive in the tank yet also the one who is put in her place a lot by the alpha and the second in command....

she constantly pushes the Bottom ranking Discus in to the corner of the tank she then comes up to the side and wiggles next to it ... she has also started to peck at one of the Broad leafed plants near the intake.. strangere still is that when she is Confronted by the alpha she will take him on mouth to mouth fighting goes on ..... but when the second in command comes in and takes a pop at her she flies into the corner along side the bottom ranking one and picks on pecking it on the sides first and then siding up to it and wiggling away almost directly next to it .... she is not tail flipping it she wiggles .... the Alpha just goes about its bussiness without a care in the world just swims along the front of the tank looking for something to eat ..... would someone be able to put this into context I know a lot of this is normal behaviour but can someone help me out here in reagards to what maybe going on .. is this female? showing signs of wanting to mate but she cant find a parnter?

sorry for the long post need to be a bit more concise


07-29-2003, 01:21 AM
She is, if it is a she, wanting to breed. Look for another fish to pair up with her and they will defend their territory from all the other fish. It could be a while so you have to be patient.

07-29-2003, 03:22 AM
might be a good time to let her and one of the fella's move into their own place together. :D

07-29-2003, 03:50 AM
Thanks for the replies Guys :) so does that mean that out of the 4 I have in the tank they are all Girls they are all approx the same age or so the breeders says .. and there is no sign of any of the others taking an intrest in her ... the other Blue powder will swim with her quite a bit but then turns on her ... (is it right that males take a bit longer to mature) they have been in the Tank now for 3 weeks and are finaly settling in getting good food and are always eager to feed ....mostly by hand ...

if you could just give me a pointer on the above id appreciate it .. im not looking to breed them but my tank water is very soft Kh is 1 Gh is 5 ....Just want to be aware of what is going on .. will this aggresion continue or will it reduce over time ... this one can realy dish it out ........

Thanks once again


07-30-2003, 02:13 AM
Angel, its really hard to tell until they lay eggs or attempt to fertilize them and you are watching. After they are moved, it can take a couple of months before they will attempt to spawn again. There are a few tricks to get them to spawn. One thing that triggers mine is no water changes for 4-5 days and then I hit them with about a 90% water change with water about 2f cooler than they are used to. For example, go from 84f to 82f and this will sometimes get them in the mood. Patience is the key and once they start spawning you will have a hard time keeping them from it.

07-30-2003, 02:19 AM
Just like Junior High school the girls mature faster than the boys. You may need to introduce her to an older male or just be patient until her brothers mature.

07-30-2003, 03:27 AM
Not when I went to school.
