View Full Version : HELP!

08-10-2003, 06:05 PM
This morning two of my breeding pairs are dead.

Done a 30% water change on both there tanks 48 hours ago and now the fish are dead.
I have checked water for ammonia and nitrites and both come back nil. PH has not altered from 7.5. and temp 28/82.

What has gone wrong?

Both holding tank water and tank water has been tested and comes back identical.

The only thing which has been changed from previous water changes, is I replaced a clear plastic hose to the pump from the holding(conditioning) barrel, and noticed that it has gone a milky white colour.

But had been purchased from our local Aquarium retailer.

Whats gone wrong? Im feeling really despondent ready to throw in the towel.

08-10-2003, 06:58 PM
Wow, I'm very sorry to hear that. Don't give up. It doesn't sound like it was your fault...

Since the only thing that has changes was the hose, then I would go back to the place you bought it from and ask exactly what the material is. Unless there was actually something different in your routine then I would either suspect the hose or chlorine, but I would think Chlorine would act quicker than 48 hours.

Is your new hose PVC? That's what I use. If the hose came from a fish store then I doubt is had some sort of anti-moulding agent in it. That could be deadly to discus.

Please let us know what you find out...


08-10-2003, 08:27 PM
Are you sure that the water perameters in both tanks were the same when you did the wc?
If you are doing the tests after 48 hours, there may have been some changes during that time.
I lost one of my breeder males in a similar situation. I had been busy and had not done a wc for about 4 days. Fed sparingly and the fish seemed to be ok. I think the ph had dropped and the water had begun to get dirty. Within a couple of hours after the wc, I found the pair lying on the bottom. Put them in another tank and the female made it but not the male. If the ph has gone below 7 the ammonium in the water is less toxic. Dumping 7.6 water into the mix turns it into very toxic ammonia. That is the only thing I could figure that could have caused it. With no fish in the tank, it cycled and within a couple of days was normal. You wouldn't have known anything had happened. Now I test the water in both places before doing a change, just to be safe.

08-10-2003, 09:48 PM
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Spawn, so sorry to hear of your loss. That is tragic & sad. Please hang in there.. We all feel so bad when these things happen, sure wish we could help you to feel better. What is the source of your water?? Could there be some change in the chemistry from the source. It certainly is not anything you have done. From what you say it has been aged so ph should not have been a problem if this is what you have always done. Again, so sorry, Dottie