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08-13-2003, 05:42 PM
I plan to use baking soda to brings up the PH of my 75gal tank.

what should I be aware of?

08-13-2003, 06:10 PM
Be careful. A little goes a long way...

Experiment gradually.

08-13-2003, 11:48 PM
Experiment first in an empty tank of aged water with a know volume (liek 10 gallons). Add a specific amount of soda. Test pH every few hours to see how it raises and then drops.

08-14-2003, 11:48 AM
I put two teaspoons into my 75 gal tank last night.

the PH now is 7.4 (before was 6.6 - 6.8)

I will check it again tonight

08-14-2003, 04:01 PM
Hi XP,

Why did you chose baking soda? Its very unstable and pH will drop fast.. have you looked into adding crushes coral/ or shells/dolomitic limestone?


08-14-2003, 04:39 PM
hi all,

If I understand right you want to up the pH from 6.6 to over 7.
Now when that has happened what are your plans ?
Do you want to keep it up there ? and if yes why ?

You will read a lot of ppl saying you don’t need to have a low pH. That is right.
It is also right that if your pH is around 6.6-6.8 as you state that it is, is a very good parameter.
You should be more concerned about stable pH instead of where it actual is. The worst thing you can do is starting to adjust and getting unstable water.
NEVER adjust in the actual tank. NEVER.
Use a preparation bucket, bin and then add the adjutsted water to the Tank.

This is not to offend anyone.
OK now guy's rip me apart ;D


08-14-2003, 06:08 PM

As the above thread says You Dont need to change the PH of your water .. if it is stable that is all that counts by bouncing the Ph around all you will be doing is unsettling your fish and may Cause more problems than you think it may solve ..Unless there is some specific reason why you want to make Your PH some magical figure I would agree with the above especialy Brewmaster ... Use some crushed coral or some Tuffa rock if u want to raise your KH on a more stable basis as Bicarb does have a temp affect on the water ... I use Tuff Rock in my tank and it has raised my KH to an acceptable level .....



08-14-2003, 07:59 PM
Ronald ... I'm going rip into you royally over this one! ....

...J/k ;) ;D I agree with 150 % with Dave and Ronald . Stable is IMO more important .

My advice was to offer better ways to raise the pH in a stable fashion over Bicarb. We have several members whose Ph drops real fast because of very low KH. bringing it up with calcium carbonate(crushes coral/ or shells/dolomitic limestone) is a good way to buffer their water when it is needed.

Hth, al