View Full Version : NO POWER IN TORONTO

08-14-2003, 07:55 PM
No power since 4:15pm, fish are ok now tho, because I got smart and plugged into the buildings emergency power at 7:30pm. Fish look ok.

08-14-2003, 07:58 PM
oh my....the power is not up yet right? how are your fish doing? I heard you had a problem with one of your fish that has excess slime before. Were you able to cure it? what method did you use? cuz im having the same problem :-[

08-14-2003, 11:03 PM
My fish are fine so far, power is still out. But i am using the buildings emergency power supply to run my tanks. This power supply will be good for another 12 hours or so...hopefully it will hold out until the power is restored...i am on my laptop right now, and my battery is gone basically...but its now 11pm and still no power.

08-14-2003, 11:08 PM
TnT it was a fungus issue, all cleared up with the use of salt.

Does anyone know how long fish will last without filtration and oxygen? I hope it doesnt come to that. Heat is not an issue, the tank cools very slowly, and its already 80F in my apartment without airconditioning.

If the power is still off tomorrow, I will have to try to airiate the tank, I need to source an oxygen tank, or a power generator.


08-14-2003, 11:15 PM
i'm in norwalk CT, and my power went about the same time as yours, and came back on about 10pm. I have a generator, as my area is famous for summer power outages. I only have 1 discus tank at the moment, so it was pretty easy for me this time. I am thinking of investing in a larger one just for the fish, as I use the one i have now primarily to keep my refigerators running if the power goes out. best $1100 i ever spent!


08-14-2003, 11:53 PM
Hang in there, Tristanyyz.

I thought of the same thing about how long fish will last without oxygen or filtration (see April's thread), I reckon mine will do okay for a day at least. No feeding, of course.

If power is still off tomorrow, a small WC might help (assuming the water temp will be the same)?

Best of luck,
-Keith 030815

08-15-2003, 05:57 PM
The power is back on now. My fish were without filtration for 12 hours. The temperature didnt go down that far, it was around 82F. I wonder what has happened to my biological filtration. I guess we will see over time. The fish look fine, not stressed.