View Full Version : stubborn pairs

08-22-2003, 03:12 AM
just curious if any has any suggestions here.

i have a pair of pigeons, marlboro and peach panda. they were my very first pair spawned like mad in my 60 gallon flat back hex.
but every time i pulled them into a 29 they would stop, here and there they would spawn like maybe twice in 3 months. i tried putting them in a 55 with 3 other fish and they would guard a spot but never spawn.

i split them for awhile, put the female in with my BD and cobalt to get that pair more protective and spawn and put the male in my 190 with my wilds and turks.

well put the pigeons together in the 190 and she's making dry runs the second day. the male has never fertilized that i know of, he just watches. but it seems this time like he was thinking about it, he would point himself up against the tube but didn't swim upward.

why do they only seem to spawn in a community setting?
i've tried every trick i could find while in their own tank.
also they never ever switch partners if they are in the same tank, the male did when i seperated the two but as soon as they are together again, they are side by side. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

08-22-2003, 05:05 AM
Sounds like you have a really bonded pair. Have you tried them in their own tank with just a target fish in there with them? That might work, and if it does, you'll just have to remove the 1 extra fish.
