View Full Version : Gill Problem

08-25-2003, 03:15 AM
I have a few Discus that are breathing heavy. The ones most affected seem to have a very fine fleshy flap coming out of their gills. It almost looks like a fine flap of tissue paper caught under the gills.

Is this gill flukes? Frankly, I've heard a lot about gill flukes, but I've never read a description of what gill flukes look like or seen a picture of it.

If this is the case, I assume a quarentine tank with salt and Melafix is the answer?

If it's not, does anyone have any idea what it is?

I have about 20 2 1/2" juvies in a planted 125g and only a few have it, but all are skittish and heavy breathers.

Aged tap water, pH of 6.4, 84 degrees, hardness: not sure, pretty hard, feed CBW 2X a day, all very round and fat, growing well, water changes 2-3X a week at 50%.

Any help would be appreciated.



08-25-2003, 10:46 PM
Hi Bob:
I think you need to up your water changes. This may be flukes or may be bacterial gill infection - or both. Try formalin at 1 cc per 10 gallons every other day. If they improve continue for 14 days. 50% WC 8 hrs after treatment.

FYI it's all but impossible to rid a graveled, planted tank of gill fluke cysts. Maybe you can pull out the fish, and just feed pure ammonia to the tank for a few weeks. As the cysts hatch they will not find a host and die . . . . in theory ;D

08-26-2003, 12:15 AM

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
