View Full Version : fighting discus

08-26-2003, 11:57 PM
Hello just have a question. I have 3 wild blue, 1 wild green, 1 bd that are all over 5-6" there in a 55 gallon tank ph 6.6. temp 84 gh 107.4, and there also four 3" that they have always be together know for a year in te past week theres been lots of fighting going on with what i belive to be the two males and after they start fighting the other 3 wild begaing to fight what can this mine any opinoions are welcome ...


08-27-2003, 12:06 AM
Well, your bigger discus could be trying to pair off. Why don't you move the 4 smaller ones out and see if pairs form.

08-27-2003, 12:09 AM
Hi Carol and thanks i was thinking about that but the fightng is going on with the big ones that the small ones i also have to flower pots in there. The small ones are just fin avodding the big ones ???

08-28-2003, 12:08 AM
Hi mgr,
I agree with carol. Maybe You could try to rearange the tank a little or try adding a Mirror at one side.

Cary Gld!