View Full Version : conditioning parents after breeding

08-29-2003, 09:32 PM
I just wanted to ask some of the people on here and some of the breeders who frequent this site a question concerning conditioning fish after they have spawned and raised the fry, what methods do you use to bring them back to tip top shape. I have tried tap water and trace elements added to their water and it just doesnt seem to get them back to their original condition and i wanted to see what you all do to get them back to their original condition.

I also increase feedings and water changes after breeding but i have had little success this way and wanted to see what you all recommended.

08-30-2003, 05:21 AM
well what i did was 1tbl/10gal of salt for a few days in tap. changing lots of water. after several days mine were looking good again so i hit them up with the straight RO. unfortunately they didn't cooperate right away. took a few months for me to get another good spawn but they laid eggs within 2 weeks of pulling fry.

the salt will help their slime coats, and healing. feed with clean foods CBW and such. i've noticed they won't really eat alot while breeding, when you introduce them with other fish again their appitites return and they get all defensive again.

08-30-2003, 08:35 AM
I just simply put them back to the community tank and have them socialize with other fish. They eat a lot better in a group. It's boring to see the same girl/man all the time. Isn't it? Let them cheat a little. Make them feel like a man/woman again.
The other point I want to make is just let them socialize but never let them pair with another fish. If they do. You have to separate them according to gender. They become a poor eater if they start pairing up with another fish and too busy defending their territories. If they spwan in the community tank and have a taste of the caviar. They will not stop eating. That's how CEESOB is formed from a nomally good parents. It's a learned habit.

08-30-2003, 01:05 PM
Well said Guy's ;)

08-31-2003, 07:42 PM
Thank you all for your advice, im still learning and will have alot more to learn in the future from all you that have been so very successful at it.