View Full Version : Confessions...

08-31-2003, 12:40 PM
Well we've done the whole appologies thing here :) Now lets get to the good stuff :)

I Confess... I'm a closet Community tank keeper! Darcy found out this morning. He's threatening to come and reposess my Discus :fried:

I've never been one to follow the crowd... I get told "You must keep discus by themselves" And I just can't accept that! Since day 1, my discus have been housed with Angels, and Bolivian Rams.

I wasn't worried about my angels transmitting disease to the discus, they had been in my tanks for over a year; actually at first I was worried about the discus giving my angels something. Its been 2 months now, and the only real problem was one angelfish (a young marble) who couldn't tollerate this big guys in his turf. He's now delegated to the QT tank until new housing can be found.

The rams took some tweaking. At first I had the 2 'spares' in the discus tank. Not a pair, but male/female. There were too many 'headbutting' incidents. So I replaced them with the breeding pair. And now the discus just stay out of the pairs 'chosen' corner - and all is fine.

The Angelfish out-competing the Discus for food seems to be a myth in my eyes. The angelfish largely hang out around the edges of the discus swarm, and get scraps. Actually I've had to spot feed the angels to make sure they're getting enough to eat.

For the pleasure of the SD crowd... Here's my Hybrid Community tanks 'coming out' picture. I'm still not happy with the driftwood layout, or the one still floating piece; But this is how she looks for now :) Yes the picture sucks... But you get the general idea :)

08-31-2003, 12:53 PM
No apologies necessary LOL, I think that there are a lot of closet discus keepers who intermingle other species with their discus ;D ;D ;D....

OK I keep tetras and african frogs :-[ :-[ :P ;D...."Now the dirts out" ???

anyway I dont think that a community tank involving discus is one of the 7 deadly sins :P

and hey your tank is a barebottom and thats a plus....oh oh did I open the door for the planted afficionados to attack me LOL...

In retrospect...this hobby takes many avenues and in my opinion its whatever makes your boat float LOL..

OBTW; We are about to embark into the poison frog world soon ;D....Amphibians LOL...

Best of luck with the community,

08-31-2003, 12:57 PM
I'm not guilty !!!!!!!!!


Yet !!!!!!!!!! LOL

08-31-2003, 01:11 PM
Tad forgot to mention the "attack bird" :-\


08-31-2003, 01:32 PM
I'm not guilty either!! Lmao Andy!! Just remember Fort Mac ain't that far away!!!!! Yep whatever floats your boat my friend!!! :-* :-*


08-31-2003, 02:25 PM
Oh.....Andy......im shocked and appalled. lol. ok so im not. ::)
that limb in your tank looks really neat. what kind of wood is that?
if all your fishies are happy and you are...what the heck.
the discus look good. :thumbsup:

08-31-2003, 03:52 PM
I kept angels and discus together happily for about 6 months. Then, bang, and a disease wiped out all the angels and most of the discus in 48 hours.

It was never a problem with food competition. Nuff said, I'll shut up now.

Willie 8)

08-31-2003, 05:03 PM
My Turn,
I wanted to see how hard raising discus was. I bought a single discus and put it in my community tank, along with my oscar.. The oscar was small and so was the mouth, they did real well together for the first few hours, then the discus disappeared. I hunted everywhere for 2 days, shifted everything in the tank. The discus appeared on the third day to my surprise, I just assumed Oscar ate it, and therefore put the oscar on a hunger strike for those 2 days.

That morning I went out and purchased a new tank for the discus, named it miracle and bought it a friend a blue diamond. They are all fine. The BD is my most beautiful discus. Miracle is a runt and lives with 3 other smaller fish I purchased from Cary. I am very protective over Miracle and still dream it will grow, other than size it is a very clean PB. Carol really got me through this one.. Up till now, she was the only one to hear my confession..

I now have 2 tanks, only discus, no gravel. I still miss oscars, but could not keep him due to the size of my tanks.

Boy that feels better.


08-31-2003, 09:20 PM
ok. who else has a confession to make? lol.
this could be fun. shows we;re all the same..all of us have done things we would rather not talk about on a forum. lol.

08-31-2003, 09:50 PM
Hey Al, (Brewmaster15)

Don't you have some Oscars with a very special relationship to your Discus? :o

08-31-2003, 11:12 PM
Ok here goes,
I confess that like AndyL ... I'm a closet Community tank keeper! and also i have 5 bettas 3 male and 2 female in my cupboard.
Sheeeeeee.............No one knows at my place that i am a betta lover hey but i give discus the higher priority.