View Full Version : Help re planted driftwood

09-02-2003, 02:07 PM
First of all, I just have to say it, I am so excited with the way my new tank has turned out. There I feel so much better. I also think the discus are excited, they are utilizing so much more of the tank, never seen them swim up and down so much. I have a 90 bowfront that I went barebottom with, put an Amano Plant Background on it, and spraypainted the bottom outside with AmericanStone Accents in Slate. But as to my question, I have ordered some driftwood with plants already attached online. Should be here any day now. Was wondering what the best method of cleaning both the driftwood and the plants so as not to bring any pathogens or snails into the tank. Was going to use a 1/20 solution of bleach for the plants but they are attached to the driftwood and I was wondering if I would have a hard time getting the bleach out of the driftwood. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

09-02-2003, 03:06 PM
The 1/20 bleach/water solution is your best bet. Don't worry too much about the bleach getting into the wood. You're not going to have it in there very long.

Plant type vs. soak time:
Anubias: 1 min 30 sec
Java Fern and African Water Fern: 1 min
Java Moss or Riccia: 25 sec

When you're done bleaching rinse the container out and put fresh water in there and dose with a good De-chlorinator. Seachem Prime is a good one. Be sure to overdose, ie: don't treat a 5g bucket as 5g of water. It's better to double or triple the dose. Let that soak for a few minutes.

Rinse the container out and re-fill with fresh water and let sit for a day before putting your wood into the aquarium.

Would you please post a pic of your tank when you've got the wood in there? We need some good photos of Hybrid tanks around here.

Thanks, good luck!

09-02-2003, 05:08 PM
Thanks for the advice, Biotypical. I was curious about the amount of time required, those are the types of plants I have exactly. I will do my best to get a pic of the tank once I've got the driftwood/plants in. I gotta say, I really love this one so far, it's like the best of both worlds, bare bottom with plants too. Ease of cleaning and beauty too. Thanks again.

09-03-2003, 11:47 AM
Hey Rusty, could you post the site you ordered the driftwood with the plants attached? Thanks Joe

09-04-2003, 07:12 AM
hi rusty
glad to hear you found some planted driftwood. i'd like to know the web site as well.

new wood may leach some tannons into the tank for a little while. this is not a bad thing, in fact discus love it. it will give your water a brown tinge. to get rid of the brown tinge just put a little carbon in your tank until the wood no longer leaches tannon. mine took a few months. if yours takes a while don't forget to change the carbon once a month because the carbon will then start to put any nasties it has soaked up back into your water.

post a pic of your new planted driftwood when you get it!!!!


09-04-2003, 08:09 AM
I am new discus keeping so all please be gentle :)
I recently purchased 10 blue snakeskin and I am growing them out to pair off. I am happy to announce that the Anubias 'Frazeri' that i attached is finally Wrapping itself around the driftwood! I bleached it and the driftwood sometime back to clean them of any unwanted hitchhikers!
1 part bleach to 19 parts H2O seems be a good start for a minute. It is so nice to be able to grow plants in a BB tank, For you can have the best of both worlds!Thanks for a great site!

09-04-2003, 08:55 AM
Nice stump Geodiscus! That Anubias looks great!!! I bet your fish are going to enjoy spawning on those leaves when the time comes..:)

09-04-2003, 03:08 PM
The place I ordered my planted driftwood was http://www.fishvet.com. I'll do my best to post a pic as soon as all is settled. Thanks again for the interest and help.