View Full Version : For Tad....

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 07:21 PM
....here are a few updated pics of my wilds. Most of these are Curipera.

Here's a Curipera group. I have found that the intensity of the red color varies with each fish, some becoming more red than others. All of them were a dull brown when I first got them and it has taken several months for their colors to really show. You may not believe me but the fish's colors are washed out in the photos.

All my discus are fed frozen blood worms, frozen mysis, Tetra Color Bits and live blackworms.

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 07:22 PM

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 07:24 PM

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 07:27 PM
Royal Blue Curipera

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 07:30 PM

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 07:31 PM
Last one - Arapori.

09-02-2003, 07:41 PM
I do appreciate your posting of your wilds at my private request ;).....For those who do not know, Ramon has one of the finest and largest collections of what Oliver calls "S" class discus...I am in true envy of your collection and I do hope that my collection will someday rival yours.....In picture number 2 that Curipera is still one of my favorites...from what I recall, its your wifes favorite too??...I do like that you recognize that there is in all essence a Royal Blue Curipera ...I do love the look of that fish and hope that it becomes part of your breeding program as it will definately throw some nice offspring...I am in total awe and do appreciate your taking the time to post some of your collection...

With the highest regards,

PS: Im posting a pic of what I call my Royal Blue Curipera..this particular fish is approaching close to 6.5 inches and is more beautiful in person...only flaw is the broke lateral line...but interesting fish in my opinion...sorry about the plant hiding part of him but he is hard to photograph LOL..

09-02-2003, 08:11 PM
Hope you guys dont mind me sticking a note here :)

Very nice wild discus collection Ramon. :) :thumbsup:

Tad. I like your wild too. I dont mind at all with the line. :)
Like always Tad, your tanks are very clean. ;):thumbsup:
I like both your discus and your tank. ;D


09-02-2003, 08:35 PM
Amazing fishes really. THe wilds has got their unique beauty.

Ramon Anastacio
09-02-2003, 08:46 PM
Thanks Tad. Heck, I'll be ecstatic if I can get any of them to breed but you're right, that Royal Curipera should throw some interesting offspring if I am fortunate enough to get babies from it.

I wish I could get my tanks as clean as yours!LOL!

Take care my friend,

p.s. This my wife's favorite discus - a large Inanu.

09-02-2003, 09:07 PM
nice wilds

09-02-2003, 09:20 PM
the Inanu are on my list , Yours :thumbsup: is such an excellent specimen... I hope your posts will stimulate JimmyL and DennisH to post more of their collection...I am always amazed how the coloration of the Curipera develops....they sure provide for a colorful tank!

The wilds definately have their unique beauty...Im not sure about the other wild afficionados observations, but they even swim differently...they in my opinion "Glide" through the water. The are definately a thing of beauty IMO. I hate to admit that my long term plan with discus is to predominately have "wilds" in my collection. Dont get me wrong I love the domestics and will always have some, but I can just sit in front of a tank of wilds for hours

LOL...Thanks for the positive comments...As for the clean tanks LOL....This particular Curipera is showing its stress bars due to me just cleaning their tank..normally his bars are in reverse or not at all.....they really dont appreciate the Janitor LOL...

Again Thanks Ramon for sharing part of your collection,
Tad ;)

09-02-2003, 11:48 PM
Nice looking fish !!!!!!!!!


09-03-2003, 04:18 PM
I love wilds and great to see everyone's collection.

I have several myself and find myself looking in that tank more often than the others.

I was lucky enough to see a curipera in person and the only thing I can say is :o :o :o :o :o

I am thinking about geting acouple and have asked santa to get me some.


I have always loved you wild collection. Really nice fish. The arapori is a very nice specimen. Some dot like features in it's patterns.


What can I say that have not been said before. I know...How about some more pictures.

Now where is the rest of those wild collectors.....?

09-03-2003, 07:04 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2:

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: Dottie

09-03-2003, 10:39 PM
Just for you ..."one more pic" ;D

and I agree I would love to see some of the other hobbyist's wilds ;) especially some RSG's and Heckels


09-04-2003, 07:47 AM
Nice fish!!!!!!!

09-04-2003, 10:02 AM
:bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce2: Tad, those fish are gorgeous!! How do you get them to swim in the air?? Hahahahahaha!! How did you make that plant sitting in a tray of pebbles????? Nice! Dottie 8) 8)

09-04-2003, 10:16 AM
Swim in the air .. I like this Dottie. ;D ;D


09-04-2003, 01:06 PM
Dottie ;D,
The swimming in air part is easy...whats hard is getting them to stop and l 8) 8)k into the camera and pose :P, as you can see they are still learning :-*

The pebbled based plant is a commercial made silk plant that I use on occassion when I move fish to provide coverage until they get used to their new digs ;), they are great except the pebbles are a catch all for discus discharges LOL...

Dottie I think its time for you to make the move over to the "Wildside" ;), You are on my list for offspring but these guys are not being cooperative >:(, but in a few months or sooner Wilds will be abundantly available again from Oliver,Alberto, David, and others ;D

Tad ;)

09-04-2003, 04:48 PM
Well my tanks is not as clean as your Tad but I figured I shared my wilds. It was a tank of 16 just wild but 2 weeks ago I switch some domestics with my wilds.

09-04-2003, 04:49 PM
another group

09-04-2003, 04:50 PM
last one

09-04-2003, 06:39 PM
Nice mix of wilds and domestics :thumbsup: Personally I Love the look of a mixed tank of wilds and domestics ;).....What are your plans.....to Cross out some of your wilds with the domestics????

OBTW, Your tanks are clean too ;D

Thanks for sharing,

09-04-2003, 07:05 PM
Thanks Tad. Not anywhere as clean as yours. In fact I had a tough time taking picture because the camera kept concentrating on the water marks on the arcylic.

As for breeding, I got my first pair in that same tank about 2 weeks ago. I really was not planning on do any breeding for awhile. I am selling my home and moving so tank space will be limited. But for future plans I want to do some outcrossing.

The Maderia and the royal blue you see on the last shot has been shaking and bowing at each other. Just some early shaking nothing yet.


Ramon Anastacio
09-04-2003, 08:22 PM
Thanks everyone.

Your Curipera are looking very good! :thumbsup: I can't wait to see what you'll be getting next.

You have some very nice wilds there.
I really like the Arapori too. They've got a nice Royal Blue "Pearl-like" pattern to them.

This Arapori in the picture has an interesting pattern with more intense red patches. It gets the same food as my other discus.


09-05-2003, 01:18 AM
hi ,
your collection is so great :o....and the Inanu and Arapori are in my list.

I put plecos to clean my tank ,but compare to yours , they are fired >:(
and your curipera look like enjoy flying

yeah your wilds are cool :)


09-05-2003, 10:40 AM
Thanks for the comments ;) How you doing?.....and better yet how are the Curipera doing???

On my list include the Inanu, RSGs, Heckels, and of course a few more Curipera ;D


09-05-2003, 04:34 PM
To make my 2 10-bared Curipera getting their past scarlet color, I made a change,I prepare black water for them , actually for all of my discus,because I have only one tank to store water,and low down the pH to 6.5 by adding peat in that tank(i don't have RO unit ). then I use commercial product to make it lower to 6.0.In the past, I never low down the pH of storage water,and my domestics is ok...although they used to live in clear water before and higher pH.now they are at 6.0 to 6.2.
about 2 weeks ago, i decided to seperate the smallest one to the community tank cause I think he is too young, then luckly, a red female piegon and it had their babies.and i will let it back together with other curipera one of these days since it is mature enough ;D hope he will promote they spawn.
I at the moment only feed them beef /shrimp / tilapia mixture that i buy from a LSF,2 times a day .I fed some forzen blood worm made in mainland China before ,but for SARS ,there are no import from China,so I stoped feeding blood worm these days.But i think some blood worm is good for breeding.

JME and regards,
