View Full Version : forzen bbs

09-03-2003, 08:35 PM
It it ok to use frozen bbs? I realize it not as good as live, but is it OK?


09-03-2003, 11:41 PM
Do they sell frozen bbs or are you talkling about hatching and freezing your own? Adult brineshrimp are too large for babies to eat.

09-04-2003, 07:09 AM
Yes, they sell Frozen bbs.


09-04-2003, 07:17 AM
Nancy you can try it and see if they go after it. With Live Brine shrimp the young Discus attack it as they swim around the tank. With frozen BBS it will just fall to the bottom and if the Discus are not eating off the bottom of the tank your just wasting it. With baby Discus they will be along side of the parents for a couple of weeks before they feed off the bottom. I only use live BBS that I hatch myself.

09-04-2003, 07:20 AM
Hi Nancy,

I have used the Hikari bbs. They are okay in a pinch but are expensive to use all the time. I hatch my own each day and freeze whatever is not fed that morning to use later in the day.
Donna :)

09-04-2003, 07:38 AM
al (brewmaster) hatches his own and freezes them, says the fry love it and grow well. i haven't tried it yet but i've been thinking about it. goto www.brineshrimpdirect.com
and you can buy a can of eggs for like $15 and they go a looonngggg way.

try hatching your own, it isn't difficult

09-04-2003, 09:38 AM
Hi Nancy,

I have frozen bbs that i bought from LFS. My fry eat them. No problem at all for the fry.
I only use them if i dont have time to make live bbs. (Most cases, i forgot ;D)

I agree with Limige, just get the eggs. It's very easy to make.
frozen bbs from LFS is much more expensive.


09-04-2003, 09:59 AM
for baby angels, i like to hatch a large amount like tablespoon in a gallon, and then rinse siphon and freeze them.

the absolute best filter i have used for this is a "krups" coffee maker screen with ultrafine metal mesh. No brine shrimp went through, and it drains ultra fast. I was able to siphon with .25 inch tubing with no difficulty.

feed the fish some live treats!!

then fill an ice tray with water, and pour that in to a bowl (not the other way around, other wise the water may or may not fit in to the ice tray.

mix in the bbs, and stir real fast to suspend them and pour in the ice tray


when I want to feed, i just pop an ice cube in and the bbs is released over a length of time slowly rather than just pouring X amount in. the angels learned that the ice cubes were their friend, and eventually you would see a little ring of angels around each ice cube! ;D

Hopes this works well for your discus!

09-04-2003, 10:01 AM
and if your not home you can tell the family or friends to pop in a certain number of cubes at given intervals instead of making them guess