View Full Version : WARNING!

09-04-2003, 10:35 PM
Hi all at Simply :)

I do not post up often but feel that this might be of interest to others so I am cross posting on all forums.

I just want to prewarn all of those that were effected by the massive power outage.

Since the power out my water pressure has dropped and thought it had something to do at the source (water company) I just kept up with waterchanges as usual until today....

Over the last three days I have been noticing some quirks with my fish...a wee bit of darting and some extra sliming up plus two fish that are now exhibiting signs of bacterial infections. Obviously this concerned me and started going through my system from tank backwards to see what was up since my cold water pressure tonight almost dropped to zero.

I live in a warehouse that is old so I have a carbon filter on my main line just to be safe due to the age of the building and the plumbing that I can not see. Just before the Blackout I had changed the carbon filter so it never entered into my mind over the last little bit that it would be my filter.

The filter I use is rated for 15,000 gallons so I change it every three months at most, usually every two to play it safe. Even at three months I have never had the filter clog up so severely so fast.

I decided to change the filter anyways even after such a short time since I had one on hand and it wouldn't hurt.....needles to say I couldn't believe the amount of sediment that was trapped in the filter.

I hopefully have saved my fish from disaster by just blind luck...

SO please to those that have filtering devices such as inline carbon filters or those that use R/O units or other devices that were effected by the power out CHANGE your filters! It is such a small cost just to be safe.

Davis :)

09-05-2003, 12:37 AM
Hey Davis,
Thanks alot! how Ya doing these days?

Dr Detroit ;)

09-05-2003, 09:21 AM
Hey Stranger!
Nice seeing you post! :) thanks for tip!

Hope you are well,

09-05-2003, 09:50 PM
Hey guys :)

Well just hope that if anything it might save someone a bit of grief.

Doin ok and so are the fishes too Dr Detroit heheehehehhe :P

Davis :)