View Full Version : Eggs, eggs and more eggs: Problem?

09-05-2003, 08:44 AM
I have a 110 gallon set-up that includes an adult pair of beautiful red turqs. This tank is not a breeding tank, but these two are producing eggs like nobody's business. The eggs are invariably laid on the same piece of driftwood, invariably cleaned and guarded for a couple of days, and invariably eaten by the male, female, or both. Then, a few days later, they're at it again.

While I am interested in breeding discus at some point, my preference would be to hold off for a while, so I do not intend (in t he short term) to move these two to a breeding tank. But I don't want this cycle to be too taxing for them. Is there any concern that they will wear themselves out? In other words, is there any health risk associated with this habit?


09-05-2003, 09:15 AM
Welcome to Simply Discus :wave:

I wouldnt be worried at all. I would wait and let them keep going until one day all of a sudden you will see little wigglers wiggling away. Then..you can move them to their own tank for the next spawn. the free swimmers most likely wouldnt survive in the community tank.