View Full Version : white feces????

09-09-2003, 05:43 PM
I have 2 young discus(2.5"-3.5") that a I noticed were expelling(?) white feces....I thought I saw this mentioned on another thread but I can't find it now....what is this and how do I fix it??


09-09-2003, 06:15 PM
Hi CG,

White stringy feces can be a strong indicator of Hexamita, internal flagellates that are always present but that can compromise the health of a discus when they increase in numbers.

Make sure what you are looking at are not the segments of tapeworm.

If it is actually white and stringy, this is an indication of the stomach and intesinal lining being expelled, and not really feces.

1st, early cases of hex can be treated simply by raising the water temp to 92 - 95 (hexamita can not tolorate high temps) and adding salt at 1TBS per 10 gallons for about 10 days, making sure you change at least 50% of the water every day.

You can also add Metro (hex-a-mit) at the dosages you will find in reading these links.

Try reading up before treatment so you know exactly what you are getting into.



09-09-2003, 08:46 PM

It is white and stringy...from what I've read so far it does seem like hexamita....I'll turn up the heat tonight and try and get some meds in the morning!
