View Full Version : When you least expect it

09-15-2003, 08:05 PM
I have been sick for about 2 weeks now. The climax ended when I went into the hospital for emergency appendix surgery.

So my fish have not gotten any water changes and only feed 1 time a day for 2 weeks.

My wife did the best she could. ( Bless her).

So when I came back this morning I was expecting to see lots of dirty tanks and sick or unhappy fish.

There was some tanks that were dirty. Some of the fish had signs of stress. No disease so far. Everyone seems ok.

The best part is I got a pair that laid eggs and tending to the eggs. Who knows if I will get any wrigglers. But I thought it was funny considering the circumstances.

So go figure.......


09-15-2003, 08:42 PM
Hope you feel better soon, Henry!

At least you know you have an egglayer! 8) Best of luck!

09-15-2003, 08:45 PM
Wow, Henry!!

I hope you are feeling better soon, and congrats on the eggs!!!


09-15-2003, 08:51 PM
glad your feeling better Henry. and glad you have eggs. now...to get them to raise some. take care of yourself...your fishies need you!!! :fish:

09-15-2003, 09:03 PM
Thanks guys. THings are alot better. They say things happen in 3 and I think I just round out the end here. So hopefully no more sick SImply members.

Hopefully I can get back on track this week.

I owe a couple of things to people ie April....


I did not forget about you.


09-15-2003, 09:43 PM
And the moral of this story is ?

.... Listen to your spouse when they want you to get some medical attention! :)

glad as all heck you did listen to her Henry! :) :) :)


09-15-2003, 09:52 PM
Hope your feeling better after the surgery ;)...and I do hope you get wigglers ;D

best of luck,

09-16-2003, 11:34 AM
Take care of yourself Henry! You are a grandfather now! LOL, Frank ;)

09-16-2003, 12:30 PM
Hi Henry:
Take care of yourself and get well enough to do some water changes! And yup, things happen in threes for me too. In the space of a week, I had 2 broken seat belts in the minivan ($354 to replace), broken side view mirror on Honda ($75 to replace) and a flat on the freeway! So now, things can only get better!

09-16-2003, 01:49 PM

Glad to hear you're through the worst of it!

I have to say, though, I have always found with all of the other species I have bred that fish LIKE algae - I know if I went 2 weeks with limited w/c and no wipedowns my tanks would be bright green - which a lot of fish see as a food source for young or whatever, but whenever I had trouble breeding any africans or central or south american cichlids, I'd let the tank build up a healthy growth of green algae and soon after there would be eggs...

Maybe discus appreciate it as well!

(good luck with the eggs!)


09-16-2003, 03:01 PM
Today they all turned white. There were not alot of eggs Probably just 50 or so. Most likely I have a imature male because it they are only 4-4.5inch. Oh well. More practice for them and more practice for me...


09-16-2003, 10:24 PM
sounded to me like the moral of the story was that if you want discus eggs then go to the hospital for surgery ...or was it if you want discus eggs, then let someone else take care of your tanks for a couple of weeks?

glad to know you're feeling better Henry. hopefully you'll have some viable eggs soon. good luck!