View Full Version : Hurrican Isabel coming to my area !!!

09-16-2003, 11:18 AM
what should i do for the fish? im sure i will be out of electricity for 4-5 days, any suggestion guys?

09-16-2003, 11:25 AM
Hey TNT, you are in the same boat as me...I live in VA Beach and as of this morning they say we should get hit with 100-125 mile winds here in the next day or so......Dont have a lot of time as I am busy myself trying to get last minute things done, as I expect to be called in to work soon but I am sure other posters will tell you about Generators, inverters, battery operated air pumps etc....good luck!!!!!


09-16-2003, 11:34 AM
hey Randy,

I have been searching for the battery operated air pump but cant seem to find any, i have to do more searching later today. I got flash light, batteries, i tried to buy the eletric generator but they were all out !! I hope Isabel go easy on us...... ::)


09-16-2003, 11:43 AM

Check these out:



Unfortunately, all on backorder.

check with Bigalsonline.com they are still showing some in stock.


09-16-2003, 11:45 AM
Thanks O !!!!

09-16-2003, 11:51 AM
TNT, try checking with an RV store or campground that is in your area....most people dont think about these places and they normally have at least some smaller generators and power inverters in stock...those will at least run your airpumps.....Dont forget about gas for the generator or a strong car/marine battery for the power inverter


09-16-2003, 11:51 AM
Good Luck!

If you are using air driven sponge filters or Aqua Clears they can stay alive for several days. Just pour tank water over them every few hours. The main thing is to provide the bacteria with oxygen. I'd do frequent wc if at all possible.


09-16-2003, 12:36 PM
Just an idea if you fail to get an inverter or generator. I saw the street fish venders were using basketballs to pump air into their aquarium in Russia many years ago. I wonder if it work in North America and I use the camping lantern to provide light and keep the fishroom warm when I had 24 hours blackout few weeks ago.

09-16-2003, 12:43 PM
If you are willing to spend the $$$


There're a few other modles listined if you scroll down.


09-16-2003, 04:42 PM
Remember your life and saftey comes first. Check Walmart or bait and tackel shops for battery air pumps. I wish your whole area the best of luck.

09-16-2003, 05:43 PM
:o :o :o Hey guys, I'm right in line behind you TNT here in NJ just outside Atlantic City, where are you? She is reported to be weakening, but 90-100 mph winds can do some real damage. I've used an inverter with the linear air pump, so should be ok for awhile, about 24 hrs, but plan to use my diesel truck if I need extra battery power after that. I agree with Yogi, life & limb are more important & I may have to move out with 9 horses if she really does come up here.

I'll be praying along with you all for everyone's sake. Hopefully this will be short-lived & we'll all make it thru allright. stay safe!! Dottie ::) ::)

09-16-2003, 06:00 PM
Yogi is right, you can get some good, and pretty inexpensive battery-operated air pumps at your local fishing tackle supply, or Walmart. Just grab a few packs of batteries, and you're set for a while.

What I did when the power was out over here for the day was I syphoned most of the water out of the tanks. This increases surface area to volume ratio, which means more oxygen in the tanks and no need for a pump (unless your tanks are very over-stocked). Also I took out the sponges so that nothing leached back into the tanks while there was no air to drive them. Apart from that, the fish didn't seem to mind the cooler temps for a while, so yours shouldn't mind too much either.

Good luck to everyone who is about to get hit by this storm, stay safe!

P.S. You probably don't want to feed the fish while the power is out.

09-16-2003, 10:19 PM
a cheaper way to go would be getting one of those tiny battery opperated fans from the dollar store (some even come with the plastic mesh designed specifically so your fish don't swim into the blades). clip or tape it onto the side of your tank so the tip of the blades hit the water surface.

that'll be enough to keep the water oxygenated but you will want to prop something up to return the splash water back into the tank.

09-16-2003, 11:56 PM
if you can get tube of truck tire blow it up as much as it can take air, then connect the airline tube to it, and dont forget to put somekind of weight on tube HTH

09-17-2003, 12:18 AM
WOW ! you guys have so many great ideas...Thank you so much !!! ...i just bought a battery operated air pump for 10 bucks...not bad eh? I went out and bought tons of food, water, extra batteries, and flashlight.

09-17-2003, 12:54 AM
good luck to you all. hope all is well and hope it passes you by. let us know how you are...take care. and i agree. you guys come first. look after yourselves.

09-17-2003, 02:11 AM
My prayers are with all those that could be affected. Let's hope for the best !!!!! Send that rain to me !!!!!!! Not a drop since May !!!!!!! LOL

Best of luck !!!! Discus can be replaced, you can't !!!!!!!!!!! Don't do anything foolish !!!!!!!


09-17-2003, 05:07 AM
Hope things are well for you guys. Good luck.


09-17-2003, 10:59 PM
I hope this isn't too late