View Full Version : Feed with live food

09-20-2003, 08:11 AM
Our LFS said to me its very good to use little (very little) fishes (like guppy's childs) to feed discus 2 or 3 time in a week! :o

What do you think about it?

09-20-2003, 08:24 AM
I forgot to say I see his fishes and they are very nice and healthy!

09-20-2003, 09:34 AM
while it would be a healthy food source and they would readily eat them up

it is much easier, safer and more economical to feed other things

anytime you put other live fish in your tanks you run the risk of introducing an illness

many people dont do this becuz they dont want to condition their discus that live baby fish are food....cuz when the time comes they may eat their own fry

09-20-2003, 03:47 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Ali, I would not feed guppies to my discus, with the danger of introducing disease as Knobby has stated, also due to fry eating. You would have to be very careful or their skeletal structure will cause great obstruction problems as well. There are so many good alternatives in todays market. I do feed live Calif. blackworms from Dan & they love'm, use them as their treat last feeding at night. Red wigglers or garden worms are great too, but I got too lazy to keep culture going, & it was a pia to chop'm up. I use Froz Hikari bloodworms Hai Feng & Azoo pellets, some flake, & Diskusin, so my fish have lotsa variety. But they do love that night CBW feeding! JMO, Dottie ::) ::)

09-20-2003, 03:57 PM
Thanks knobby and korbi_doc

The problem is I can found only FREEZE DRIED BLOOD WORMS for feeding discus, there is no other kind of foods like CBW or ..., that people recommanded for feeding discuc :-[
Also I know its better to feed Discus with more than one kind of food and also they like live foods too much, so I asked my LFC for live food for Discus and he said to feed them with guppy's fries.

However, is there any other kind of live foods (or other ones) for Discus? please tell me more about it :-[ :-[

09-20-2003, 10:16 PM
red worms
white worms
grindal worms

are all things you can culture yourself so you have a constant supply
white and grindal worms are about a perfect size
reds need to be chopped up usually

09-20-2003, 11:40 PM
earthworms are great, should be reallo high in protine

u can dig up your own ( as long as your soil is free from pesticide or any other harmful chemicals).
or raise your own, im sure there a few ppl on SIMPLY who will be willing to tell how .

09-20-2003, 11:49 PM
u could also try mosquito larave ,my fishes love it. I use them more as a treat, than a actual meal,

09-21-2003, 03:18 AM
u could also try mosquito larave ,my fishes love it. I use them more as a treat, than a actual meal,

Do you buy mosquito larva? Where can I find them? :o

09-22-2003, 03:00 PM
i tried feeding live guppy fry but the discus never caught them and guppy fry grew into adults. i took them out before the pregnant guppies gave birth in the tank.

09-22-2003, 07:55 PM
Soryy for taking so long to reply.
I know how if feels to wait for replys.

try this link

(i live in the caribbean so i got a lot of annoying mosquitoes buzzing around)

09-23-2003, 02:41 PM
I got a pleco in my tank before with about 16 discus. I went to a 4 days vacation and came back i saw nothing but bones on the pleco ::) ???