View Full Version : No slime coat?

09-23-2003, 11:49 PM
Today i was just observing my discus when i noticed that there body was looking a little rough like if there is no slime coat.
So i checked the ph and it's 8 to 8.5 that means it's alkaline.
Does alkaline water dissolve fishes slime coat, i neted one out and ran my finger over his body i could feel scales but no slime coat feeling.
What to do they also look a bit paler, when i had driftwood in my tank they use to look vibrant.
What to do?

09-23-2003, 11:55 PM
i sortof read your previous post about experimenting with the ph also....maybe the vinegar stripped the slime off...if you were to put the driftwood back in that you spoke about in your other post maybe the tannins in the wood would help to bring the ph down....
salt(without iodine) might help to get the slimecoat going again...

09-24-2003, 03:20 AM
not sure, if it was me i would add salt and maybe try lowering the ph very slowly ???


09-24-2003, 11:44 AM
No i never experimented in the actual discus tank so i am very much sure vinegar is not the cause, i think it must be the alkalinity of water.
Also i removed drift wood beacause it stopped tanning my water i mean it must have ran out of tanin.
any other solution will be helpfull.

09-24-2003, 04:49 PM
niranjan I think you are in a phase where you are only thinking of lowering down ph, forget about ph do not alter ph up and down you will loose your fish, I do have spawns in 8.2 although smaller number of fry, do pass your tapwater thru GAC aerate overnight and make 90% w/c daily and see what happens

09-25-2003, 01:21 AM
ok i'll try that, but i did not change any water from my tank still the ph remains same ie 8 to 8.5.
To be honest i dont like that my discus look pale, first they use to look vibrant.
:-\ ok i'll try that.

Thanks anyway

09-25-2003, 09:43 AM
What is GAC?

09-25-2003, 12:32 PM
I think GAC is granulated activated carbon - anyway Shamsoo is advising you to run your water through carbon or a carbon block as you fill your water storage barrel. This single pass through carbon will remove many impurities. Then heat and circulate your water for several hours so the pH stabilizes prior to adding it to your aquarium. See if this helps your discus feel better.

09-25-2003, 12:41 PM
you r correct carol ;D

09-25-2003, 01:58 PM
Higher pH should not affect the slime coat. Perhaps there's another problem. Could be the first sign of infection.


09-26-2003, 06:00 AM
Good news,
The slime coat is back i changed 90% water and added salt and added a drift wood it seems to works.
Thank you every one for ure time and efforts.