View Full Version : My sincere apologies

Mistakes R Crucial
09-26-2003, 02:11 AM
Hello all at Simply,

I have today posted a public apology to Al (Brewmaster) and all at Simply. Due to my over enthusiasm in getting some valuable information on to our own, week old, Discus section of the Queensland Cichlid Forum I copied two articles from Simply and posted them. I was doing it for the right reasons but as Al pointed out, I should have had the common courtesy to ask first, in hindsight, he is absolutely right. The apology is below.


Thank you for pointing this out. My sincere apologies if I have offended anyone as I most certainly did not set out to do so. Everyone at Simply has been so helpful, it is a great site and I respect the time, effort, skill and dedication that all the moderators have to the Discus hobby. As a novice Discus keeper I have found your site invaluable.

I did look at the terms and conditions of your site but you are absolutely right, I should have considered the common courtesy aspect.

As I said, my sincere apolgies if I have offended anyone. My enthusiasm in getting our own Discus forum off the ground probably clouded the thinking a little.

I hope there are no hard feelings.



09-26-2003, 02:30 AM
Hello Nigel,
I appreciate your honesty here and the apology. The information on Simplydiscus.com is there to help everyone, and as I suggested in my post...
Hello Nigel,
IMO, Its not so much a matter of copyright infringement as it is a matter of common courtesy. If you copy and paste and Post information from SimplyDiscus.com here or anywhere else on the net, You should talk to the Owners of SimplyDiscus.com first or the individual that posted that information on Simplydiscus.com

This is the considerate thing to do and it helps to promote the sharing of information among hobbyists on a global level.

Thank You,
Al Sabetta
Admin. SimplyDiscus.com

Its just a matter of courtesy in asking about using that information, and of course giving credit to the source of the information. By doing so the question of copyrights is removed :)

I wish you and the new discus forum well, and there are no hardfeelings over this. If I can be of further help, please IM or email me.

Take care,

Mistakes R Crucial
09-26-2003, 03:07 AM
Thank you for your understanding Al.