View Full Version : Heckle Questions

09-26-2003, 02:22 AM
Hi all,

I want to buy a large heckle for my 90 gal tank which has 8 5 1/2" discus in it now. Are Heckles hard to keep, can you get them to eat beefheart and will it get along with the hybred discus I have now? I heard most of them are wild caught, so what precautions should I take against parasites? I also read that adult Heckles are harder to keep then young ones is this true. My water has a PH of 8.0 is this going to be a problem? I appreciate any advice offered. I live in Southern Florida and heard of Aquatechnics has wild fish, does any one know where I might be able to get a tank raised Heckle?


09-26-2003, 09:20 AM
Russ, your not going to find a tank raised heckel, Nearly impossible to get and expensive if you do. They are just as hardy as any other discus and eat just fine. They are just harder to breed. many people have crossed wild male heckels to female domestics, but that heckel to heckel cross is much harder get get. I have 30 heckels. Alberto (Aquatechnics) would be a good source for you and he lives close so you could go pick one out that he has conditioned and acclimated. Ken

09-26-2003, 09:48 AM
Hi Russ,
I keep full grown adult heckels in a community tank with an assortment of all size tank raised discus with no problems all eat fine!


09-28-2003, 12:07 PM
Aquatechnics is definitely a good place to buy wild discus. Like the others said, keeping heckels with domestics is no problem. I just don't have an answer for you on the ph of 8.0. I keep all my discus in the 5's. Does anybody have experience at keeping heckels in a high ph?

09-28-2003, 12:17 PM
Well I have a heckel in a community tank with domestics. PH is 7.8 and she does fine. Eats just as well as the rest of them and has never been a problem. I've never seen her lay eggs or anything but she is starting to get partial with a big PB I have!!!


09-29-2003, 02:31 AM
Thanks for the advice, I think I read somewhere on the forum that heckles show more color and have more red in their eyes at a very low ph. I just talked to Alberto at Aquatechnics and Heckle season dosen't begin until November or December, so I guess I'll have to wait a little while.


09-30-2003, 01:06 AM
I have a tank full of Heckels that will be ready for sale in about two weeks.
P.M. or email if you are interested.


09-30-2003, 01:47 AM
Hi Paulio,

Where do you live, because I am low on funds I was hoping to save on shipping because I live near Aquatechnics and could pick it up myself. I am looking for a very large adult Heckle.
