View Full Version : I found out how i can get more tanks, finally

09-27-2003, 08:18 PM
Well my mom and i were in the LFS today and i was showing her aquarium stands and tanks i want and i asked when i could get my 55 gallon and she said you can't get it lol. But i remember her saying like 2 weeks ago i could, lol. Well i told her, what if i get discus breeding within a couple months (really won't be for like 6-8 months) Then what will i do with the babies, huh? and i was like then you'll be the fish murderer not me. The murderer thing goes from far back when i was 6 years old and had baby swordtails and i put them in the tank with older fish, then i killed like 100 baby paradise fish by transfering them, well, i told her that i wouldn't be the murder, but she would. and then she said well you'll have to talk to Joe (her boyfriend) oh great, i said well okay, soooooooo the only thing i have to really do is get a pair have them breed, show that the eggs died cuz the parents weren't alone in there own breeding tank and my mom will feel bad and say that's horrible, your torturing your fish, which she thinks me having 5 small under 2" fish in a 10 glalon is torture and she messes with all my tanks and adds chemicals and i yell and ast stupid and get into details and get mad. And i told her if she ever messed with my discus i'd like kill something (not really) Oh by the way my first discus tragedy, i wasat school and my mom's boyfriends friends come over, they have a little 6 year old kid, well i guess he jsut helped himself to my colorbits and overfed my fish, that don't even like COLORBITS!!!! Well my mom knowing that i'd be so mad, cleaned the tank, while destorying 4 different plants, wow!! I'm going on, sorry, well i had my first discus tragedy, bye

09-28-2003, 10:16 AM
If that's the case Adam, breed baby breed! :)

09-28-2003, 12:03 PM
I can't believe you want to put your mother thru a guilt trip like that. If you really need a tank that bad maybe you should do something around the house for her that make's her feel special once a week. Do something before you have to be told and she just might reward you with that tank. But to tell her she is killing the Discus isn't right. This is my opinion and there is no way you deserve that tank on false pretense. I think you need to apologize for the things you said about her being a murderer.

09-28-2003, 01:52 PM
I'm with George. As a veteran of kids, stepkids, teenagers, and kids that move back with boyfriend and cats, the guilt trip is a bad move. Be honest and do something special for your mom. That will go alot further.

09-28-2003, 04:47 PM
I know the guilt trip is wrong, but she's done it to me and i nkow revenge is wrong, but i do stuff around the house. I don't get a weekly allowance because i'm considered "spoiled" But i consider spiled gettting everything you want and i don't i get the average to live. Not much extra, well atleast from my mom. I paid for my aquairum and everything in it!! My total of my aquairum cost and fish for my 75 gallon has gone to over 450 bucks, which i thinks a lot.

I'm not trying to be mean and call my mom a murderer, but it's more like a joke, cuz i told my mom that and kind of laughed (more like a chuckle, but that's besides the point) becuase she's called me that, it's not liek a serious thing, it's mroe like a well this tiem your the murderer not me, in a kind of funny sick and weird way.

09-28-2003, 10:04 PM
I think you need to mow lawns, rake leaves or shovel snow for that next tank.