View Full Version : Solid yellow pigeon crosses for sale

09-27-2003, 10:17 PM
Hello Everyone

My eyes are bigger than my tanks :)

I picked up a few fish from someone down in Miami and now I need some tank space.

I have about 50-60 1"-1.5" fish available for sale for 5$ each up to 10 or 3$ each for 10 or more.

Sorry, but this is local pickup only here in Deltona Fl. For those of you not familiar with Central Florida, Im right off the I4 corridor 1/2 way between Daytona Beach and Orlando.

Pictures to follow


09-27-2003, 11:21 PM
Here is a quick shot of one of the fish thats in a lighted tank. It is probably one of the cleaner fish. They range from lightly peppered to heavily peppered so you can pick your favorites

My algae eater is on strike but you can see enough to work from that.


09-28-2003, 03:09 AM
roger you cant ship any of these guys? i would take 15 for 3 a piece and shipping wouldnt be as much let me know what you can do great looking fish

09-28-2003, 09:58 AM
i sent you an instant message


09-28-2003, 07:09 PM
My husband has been sent to roger house to pick me up 10 little fish!!! Yeah for me!! Unfortunely I could not go!!!

Will update everyone tommorow.


09-28-2003, 07:32 PM
kool nancy show us some pixs man only if i lived there i would have got some too good deal

09-28-2003, 08:40 PM
Nancy, I hope your husband took a camera with him. He will be in shock at the extent of fish Roger is growing out for future stock. After he tells you what he saw you will want to go and visit yourself.

09-28-2003, 11:20 PM
Well Nancey's Bill was here and we had a rather nice talk, I think he wants to make a trip down to Miami the next time I go :)

Bill took home 10 of the yellows along with 3 of the mystery fish. By mystery fish I mean they could end up being turqs or alenquers. When I picked these guys up they came out of a tank that had 4 spawns worth of fish in it. One set of parents where red turqs.


BTW Bill wanted to take this guy home as well :)

09-28-2003, 11:21 PM
In case anyone is wondering this is a Wattley strain of alenquers.

Bill did bring the camera but it wasnt a digital so I sent a few pics via email so Nancy could get a quick fix.


09-29-2003, 01:36 AM
sure wish you would ship, i would take them ALL right now

09-29-2003, 07:11 AM
Well all the babies are happy this morning!!! Nancy is also very happy!!! Thank You Roger!!! I am going to borrow a digital camara and take pictures this week!!!

I'm looking forward to a "Road Trip" soon!!!


10-01-2003, 10:29 AM
Well folks the last of the pigeons started their journey home this morning.

Their final destination is Indiana so let us hope they dont get car sick :)


10-01-2003, 03:31 PM
Good Job Roger! ;)

10-02-2003, 09:13 AM
Morning Roger!!! Well, the kids did just fine, they all made the mad dash for Indiana and are acclimating to their new tank as I type. As soon as I get everyone settled in, Im off to the shower and a long, long nap. That dash from Daytona Beach to Anderson was 14 hours of flat-footed, hammer down driving. I'll update you all and post some photos, when we have all had a nap and a snack. :sleep: