View Full Version : Hello Everyone!

09-28-2003, 11:46 PM
Hi everyone! I'm new to this board, though I have been lurking for a little while. I am an ex-discus keeper who has gotten back into this branch of fish keeping. A few years ago I had a 30 gallon tank with 2 adult red turqoise discus that I had raised from junveniles to adults and kept for 5 years. I had a problem with a heater, and they both died. Now, several years later I now have two juv. turquoise discus that I have just finished quarentining (metro., disco-worm) and all is going well. The fish are eating tetrabits, haikari bloodworms and brine shrimp well, and are fed at least twice a day, more often when my work schedule will allow it. 30% of the water is changed on twice per week. Now, my question to all the many of you who are more experienced at discus than me is how to handle aggression. The one discus gets much more food than the less dominant fish and pushes it around quite a bit. Although the less dominant fish still gets quite a bit of food, It looks like the more dominant fish is going to be much larger fairly quickly unless I do something. I do feed both sides of the aquarium, but the problem still exists. Have any of you had success with tank dividers? Should I add another discus to spread out the aggression?

thank you for all responses!


09-29-2003, 12:09 AM
hi and welcome to simplydiscus!! :wave:
congrats on your new discus. the problem with two discus is just that. one will be more aggressive. three will not be good either. 4 or 5 is best but then of course you will need a bigger tank. if you could do more wc's per week and feed about 4 small meals a day i think you will see better growth rates.