View Full Version : Discus prices

09-30-2003, 03:21 PM
Adam asked a good question as to pricing of discus. It was simply "why so expensive?" in regards to some 3.5" leopards I'm selling for $65. I wanted to share my response with everyone so you can all see how I and probably most sellers set our pricing. Any comments to my response is welcomed positive or negative.

My reply was:

1. Commonality of the discus. The more common it is the more pairs that are producing and the lower the price is. New strains always cost more.

2. Difficulty to breed. Some strains are just more difficult to breed i.e. the Goldens.

3. How fixed the strain is. If you have 200 fry, but only 50 will turn out to be what you are looking for the price will be higher.

4. Quality. There are different levels of quality. Shape, Size, Color, Eyes, Fins, Spots etc. all are taken into consideration in this judging. The higher the quality the higher the price.

5. Imported vs. Domestic breed. If it is imported there is shipping and import fees that are added into the cost of every discus.

6. Size again. The larger the discus meaning the older it is the more it will cost because it has been under someone’s care and they will want to be compensated for that care.

7. Simple markup. Every seller has a markup that they must make to be profitable and pay the bills. For some maybe as little as a few dollars a fish over their cost while others may double their cost. What the market will bear is also taken into consideration.

After all of these things are taken into consideration then a price is put on the fish.

Just comparing the size of leopards to what 3 other sites have listed on the internet I found prices ranging from $50-$110 for the same type/size.

09-30-2003, 03:32 PM
Great explanation Jeff, and I agree 100%.

The only thing I would add to your list is Demand. The higher the demand for a particular strain, The more money it can be sold for , as people will be willing to pay more for it. This will often serve to eventually lower the price as everyone starts producing whats in demand, and the market gets flooded. Its at this point the wise seller recognizes the next hot demand item and moves on to it ahead of the pack...

Economics 101 :)


09-30-2003, 03:34 PM
Greatly Explained Jeff :)

I look forward to the rsg. :)


09-30-2003, 03:55 PM
Well said Jeff! ;D

09-30-2003, 05:43 PM
Ohhhhhh... so i could sell my discus for 50 bucks? LOL just becuase i'm the only person in the world with this discus, cuz no other discus is EXACTLY 100% like mine!!! Just kidding lol

10-01-2003, 01:06 AM
Your jesting but oh so true in a way..I live in Chgo burbs and the same Discus can vary from $29 at 2" to $99 at 3" pending which local store you go to. That bothers me as you can tell which store is ripping us (the public) off - I can see paying a certain amount from Cary/Jack/Jeff etc. but the locals normally don't have the 'higher' quality you expect either and still demand payment even above a Cary/Jack Discus....let's get real here....anymore I'm afraid to trust anyone...I've got a $100 runt from Wattley I don't know what to do with except love it !! ;D

10-01-2003, 05:17 AM
If you live around Chi Town,there are a lot of discus people in your area to get quality fish from without ever going to a fish store.Just ask around,or check out the older posts in the breeder section.


10-01-2003, 06:15 AM
you also have to take into consideration that people like Jeff, Cary, and Myself are "discus specialists" electricity and water bills are unreal!

and we dont have filter cartridges and feeder goldfish to sell either!