View Full Version : Discus DISEASE!!!!!!!!

10-01-2003, 02:31 PM
I woke up this morning sick and tired. So i couldn't go to school as my cough sounds like a bark. I went to go look at my aquairum and noticed none of them looked like they were healthy.
My discus caught a plague or something they, were leaning against the glass, plants, and driftwood with clamped fins, and huddling together. One of my discus is whitish and looks like he's going to peel. I fed some BW and saw some of them eat. I did a 50% water change and vacuumed the gravel. I read one of my TFH maganzines and took Jack Wattley's advice in one issue about discus plague. My discus had all the symptons of the discus plague. He said he lowered the Ph down to 4.0. So i lowered my Ph by .5 today and it is at approximatley 6.8 at the moment. I decided every 12 hours i was going to lower the Ph by .5 till around 4.0. In the magazine he said that bacteria couldn't live in 4.0 water and that he saved the discus by doing this. I'm hoping that my fish will get better, i've been adding salt to the tank and some stress coat. If my fish show any signs of stress i'm going to raise the Ph back up and add some more salt. I Really hope this works!! Another thing my discus that is whitish was at the surface like gasping for air so i addded a small air pump, i hope that helped too. I noticed only 1 disucs looked helathy and it wasn't hanging out with the other discus. I really don't want any to die.

10-01-2003, 02:45 PM
Well, first! Lets measure the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels. Next ph, C02, temp, etc, etc, etc! Give us everything! Like when was the last time you rinsed your filters or added everything into the tank.

10-01-2003, 02:51 PM
Nitrate-can't be that high do w/c and have live plants
Ph-6.8 at the moment was 7.4
Co2-i don't add any
Temperature-is no 87 degrees, dropped down to 79 degrees the other day. But raised it back up
filter cartridges changed about 3-4 weeks ago
I added some live plants last night, but my discus were sick last night anyways, so it couldn't have been the live plants.

10-01-2003, 02:56 PM
You are aging your water, right? And adding dechlor before the water enters the tank?

10-01-2003, 03:00 PM
My water is aged for 24 hours plus. I had declorinator (Aqua Safe) when i add the water into the bucket so it has time to declorinate the water.

10-01-2003, 03:00 PM
did you have other fish in that tank when you added the discus?

10-01-2003, 03:10 PM
When i added my disucs about 2 weeks ago maybe 3 not sure. I had a ghost shrimp a botia and a cory. I've had these fish for over 8 months. The cory i got about a year ago, the botia and ghost shrimp i got around christmas time.

10-01-2003, 04:07 PM
Adam your fish most likely do NOT have plague. More than likely a garden variety bacteria, viral or parasite problem. Subjecting your discus to pH swings while they are sick in the last thing you want to do. Don't add stress coat either. Salt and water changes are your best bet until you figure out what the illness is. Many times extra water changes and salt alone will give your discus the needed boost to get well.

You say you are aging your water. Are you checking the pH to see if the new water is the same as the tank water before you add it?

10-01-2003, 04:12 PM
My Ph usually reads the same every week, so i think the Ph is probably the same as my aquarium water. I'll check when i do my w/c tomorrow

10-01-2003, 04:14 PM
Have you tested the tank ph before or just the storaged water?

10-01-2003, 04:17 PM
I've tested my tap water, i thought it would be the same as my aged water and i've tested my aquarium water

10-01-2003, 04:26 PM
i thought it would be the same as my aged water Not necessarily! It is best to be sure and test both tap/tank!

10-01-2003, 04:39 PM
test pH of tap, tank and storage container

10-02-2003, 09:38 PM
The Tea Tree Oil - Melaleuca Alternafolia (same substance found in a smaller form in Melafix) is a natural element found in many trees in Australia. I've used it in the capacity to aid in antifungal diseases, fly or flea repellent (excellent for this), stings or burns caused by rash and ringworm, etc.

I've treated my Discus and Clown Loaches and Red Hooks with the Tea Tree oil. My Discus are back to swimming freely; they were swimming sluggishly and was darting. My Clown Loaches are freely swimming up and down in circles (like they used to do before they received the treatment). I had microbacteria in the water and didn't know it. I clean my 20-gal tank once a week; giving it a 70% water change.

Hi, Abercrombie6202: I would try adding 100% Tea Tree Oil (four drops in a 20-g per day x 5 days). Check out the article I've posted regarding TTO. A lot of folks claim it does no good for their fish but I've gotten good results and surprising results, too.

Good luck. **Fry Girl**

P.S. Look in the folder for Discus Disease -- the subtopic is called NATURE'S BEST CURE IN A BOTTLE--TEA TREE OIL.

10-02-2003, 09:41 PM
Here's the link, Abercrombie6202:


**Fry Girl**

10-03-2003, 09:13 AM
I went to go look at my aquairum and noticed none of them looked like they were healthy.
My discus caught a plague or something they, were leaning against the glass, plants, and driftwood with clamped fins, and huddling together. One of my discus is whitish and looks like he's going to peel. I fed some BW and saw some of them eat. I did a 50% water change and vacuumed the gravel. I noticed only 1 disucs looked helathy and it wasn't hanging out with the other discus. I really don't want any to die.

Hi Abercrombie6202:

How is the discus doing? I was thinking could it be a genetic thing occuring to this particular fish. Perhaps the fish is a Golden mixed??? But then I recalled you saying that it was leaning towards the glass. I've noticed that they do this at times when they're tired and/or tired of being chased by other fish in the tank. When I turn on the lights at 4 in the morning I see all my discus leaning on the tank and their eyes are practically dimmed (like they had one too many alcoholic beverage). 8) It's funny to see them this way; but when at 7 in the morning when we awake the tank they're up and swimming fantastically. All bright eyes and feathery fins!

If your discus is a Golden (or a mix breed) then the genetics may be that their parents or grandparents (etc.) may have been a breed containing the white (and white diamonds).

See what others (like Ardan, Carol_Roberts, Brewmaster15, and other moderators) may say. They are pro's at rearing Discus. Good luck again. **Fry Girl Angie**

10-08-2003, 12:52 AM

Has anyone mentioned chloramines along with the chlorine issue? Just one more thing to check or think about but serious to your fish.
