View Full Version : When do discus get their final shape?

Very Fishy
10-02-2003, 09:57 AM
At what age do discus get their final adult shape. Younger discus are more football shaped and as they grow and age, you want and hope that they round out nicely. When is this growth finished and you can decide what adult discus will be nice and round and what discus will be remain football shaped? Just wondering as I have 4 9-month old PB and one is getting a nice round shape but the other three still have a pointed face.

10-02-2003, 11:26 AM
I have some tangerine x melon at 1in to 1.5 in. You can clearly see which ones is the nice and round ones and which ones are not......

10-02-2003, 09:20 PM
Could easily take between 10-14 months depending on the type of discus.

10-02-2003, 10:07 PM
. . . . but most round juveniles grow into round adults if cared for correctly. Many football shaped juveniles do not.

10-02-2003, 11:03 PM
Shape of discus can be altered by the food they eat at the early age in life. If their intake of food has no interruption. All will grow into a round discus. Added minerals and vitamins can help the development of fins and thickness of the body. Size and shape can be determined in 6 weeks of age. Let me show you wnat I mean. This is a pic. of a 7 weeks old BD. He was fed with superdose of body building diet with 10 times more than the normal intake. His body grew twice as fast as the skeletal head. Super hugh body with Hi fins and a tiny head. Looks a little deform but it'sman made.The previous brood was fed half the dose are already 6" in 6 months old. Just wait till they are 12 months old. See if I can grow a dinner plate BD.