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10-03-2003, 09:47 PM
Hi guys. I'm new,duh!! My husband and I have been keeping discus for 8 months now. At first it semed like a lot of work to me but we have grown to love it. At the moment we have 4 turqs.( red I think) & 1 angel in one tank. They get along VERY well. We also have 7 gold fishes: 3 red caps, 1 veil tail and 3 regular orandas.

I will be making two more tanks this week end: a 4 ' for my present discus and some new one of course ;) and a 2' + for probably some more angels. Unfortunately my discus breeder only has 1 1/2 inch juvies and breeding pairs at the moment. I guess I have to wait a little while for more babies.
I guess that's enough for now. It's great to be onboard.

10-04-2003, 12:05 AM
Hi Arawak!

Welcome to SimplyDiscus! I believe you are our first member from Jamaica! :)

Are there many discus hobbyists there? and a good source for you at petshops or breeders?


10-04-2003, 05:25 PM
Hi Arawak and welcome to SimplyDiscus :wave:

Blaze is also from Jamaica . . . here is his info http://forum.simplydiscus.com//index.php?board=;action=viewprofile;user=blaze From his posts I know you don't have access to many of the online catalogs, drugs and equipment we have here.

ps You are the same age and live in the same town ;)

10-04-2003, 08:26 PM
SOunds like you have some experience with fish already 8)
Good to have you here with us. :)

10-04-2003, 10:57 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Blaze is also from Jamaica
ps You are the same age and live in the same town Carol, I know that idiot:jester:...I got him to like fish in the first place! Yeah we are the same age, live in the same town, same house, same bed...he's my husband:love: (Feel sorry for me?) ;D I joined Simply because he wont ask my questions or share my opinions!
Brewmaster15 how the little one? I't obvious I've been eavesdropping for months now. ;)

SOunds like you have some experience with fish already Arden I have experience with goldfish and Angel ... discus are a entirely different "kettle of fish".

I have one confession to make. It really weird for someone who has been keeping fishes on and off for years; you ready? OK I am copmpletely terrified of fishes. I will do water changes, clean the filters, vacuum the gravel (not that we have any in our tanks now), wipe the insides of the tank but if any of the fishes even look at me funny I out of there!!!!!
Bl@ze hand feeds the discus so I do not even attempt to wipe that tank down. That's his!
My secret's safe with you guys, right?

10-04-2003, 11:53 PM
Thats too funny ...not your fear... That your husband is already a member here. :)

Carol, I Guess I need to modify my post... Looks like we have our first Jamaican Couple posting!! :)


ps...The kids are doing great..Thanks so much for asking!

10-07-2003, 08:13 PM

10-07-2003, 09:15 PM
LOL that's hilarious that you guys are a couple. LOL, so how is Jamaica? Warm temperature, probably. Lucky...

10-09-2003, 12:12 PM
Howdy arawak, Glad to have you aboard.

Wow, four turquose discus already. AND you have access to a breeder, great!!!! WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG NET ..... lol. hahaha.

What size are they? What is your water like down there in Jamaica? Good/bad/soft/hard.etc ....[sorry for all the questions, it is interesting to hear about such stuff][well, I think so!]. I am way up here in the great Canadian Rocky Mountains. The extreme south west corner of Alberta.[ right next to British Columbia and about 35 miles north of the U.S. boarder; as the eagle flys].

So, you are into building tanks, grrrrreat. I am an old tank builder, from way back; i'm old, not the tanks .... well some of the tanks are getting old, tooooo.

Ahhh Jamaica --- too bad. You never get to expierence the wonders of mother nature at work . The trees turning from green to a brillaint red-orange;. snowfalls that can get 10 feet deep, temperatures ranging from +35'C to -40'C. [ sometimes in the same day !. The warm "artic breezes" @ 125 kilometers per hour. Daylight for 15 hours [ summer] ; nightlight for 18 hours [ winter]. The joys of stomping through a blizzrd -- just to get to the outhouse . Dressing in 14 layers of clothing, just to discover ... ya need to use the outhouse ??? ???

AHHHHHH - only in Canada. ;D ;D ;D ;D;D 8).

Nice ta meet ya....


10-10-2003, 12:23 AM
Hey Adam. Jamaican weather has two variables: :sun:hot and wet/ :sun:hot and dry. Right now it's very wet which means more mosquito larvea for my babies (free food :thumbsup:). It's so hot here that if the temp. fall 1 degree everybody catches a cold :sick:

waa gwan my yout?(J'can)
My breeder lives about 5 minutes walk away from my house and believe me I have already befriended his dogs ;D ;D
:idea: I wonder how hard it is to get a ski mask & wire cutters in Ja.?

What size are they? How exactly should I measure them, mouth to tail or top to bottom? I'd say they are about 3 1/2 ''- 4 1/4'' excluding the tail. We started off with two initially; got the other two 2 1/2 weeks ago.

What is your water like down there in Jamaica? I have to confess I've only tested for NH3. The water is hard (especially if it falls on your head ;D) if the crud that comes out of my kettle is any indicator. I figure if my breeder has no problems with it then neither will I. Some people are fortunate enough to get spring water piped into their homes (for drinking purposes I mean).

Maybe one day I'll come see mother nature at work in your neck of the wood , you know just for the experience - exept for the whole outhouse thing... isn't that grizzly country? :yikes:

By the way Smokey I braced ;)

Nice talking to you all. Happy to be a part of the Simply family.