View Full Version : Great News.

10-05-2003, 04:36 PM
My Discus laid eggs again last Monday.They are still in the community tank with the other Discus.Stuck the divider up again.Piled up some logs and plants on one side to try and screen of the other Discus.They started to hatch and I thought they were going to eat them again but I noticed when they left the pot the Daddy was picking them up and putting some of them back on the pot.Well what a surprise I got this morning as they had started to feed on both the parents and have been doing it all day.I know its early days yet but at least this time they have got it right.I have a few questions 1What about water changes.2Do I leave the tank lights on during the night, 3 When do I start to feed them and what is best.Unfortunately I am going on holiday for a week this coming weekend but someone will be feeding all my fish.Any advice as to what would be the best thing to do when I am away.Thanks.

10-06-2003, 12:14 AM
Hi Liz:
Congratulations on your spawn!
1What about water changes. just do your regular routine
2Do I leave the tank lights on during the night, leave a room light on
3 When do I start to feed them I start feeding mine bbs at 7 days and live black worms at 14 days. By 21 days they will nibble on the parents food and you can stop the bbs

Unfortunately your chances of raising up a brood of discus in a community tank are very slim :-\

When you are back from your trip get a 29 gallon bare tank set up for them with a cycled sponge filter.

10-06-2003, 04:35 AM
Thanks Carol I know my chances are slim.Overnight I left the room light on some of the fry have dissapeared in the night.The mother Discus is really good at looking after them the daddy takes the odd turn.I seem to have all the odds stacked against me at the moment.Had this happened just a few weeks later they would have been in their own tank with the right conditions.

10-07-2003, 08:01 AM
Fry now three days old.I have about twenty of them left.Feeding ok from the parents.I am not building my hopes up yet still very early days.

10-07-2003, 02:28 PM
Liz, not sure what type of divider you are using but if you get some eggcrate and cut it to fit the inside of your tank...tightly...then get some plastic(not metal) screening like you use on your windows at home and attach it to the egg crate you will have pretty good luck keeping the fry on the proper side of the divider.........

Randy 8)

10-07-2003, 06:15 PM
Randy The divider is one I bought at the LFS.It fits exactly to the size of the tank.