View Full Version : Discus wont' exude!

10-09-2003, 03:37 PM
I need some advice on this. It's my best discus I got 5 of them but he can't exude. He is very fat now it' been two days now. What shall I do ???


10-09-2003, 05:11 PM
;D ;D Dave, if you are referring to the fact that the discus cannot defecate, or poop, then he is constipated & needs epsom salts. You can find epsom salts in a pharmacy or any grocery store. Use 1-2 tsp/10g. Either move him to another tank, or treat the whole tank.
What r u feeding?? What is his behavior? I'm sure other more experienced than I can help more, but they may want more info 'bout parameters, size of tank, feeding frequency & etc., HTH, Dottie

10-11-2003, 12:04 AM
Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate. People use it to soak their feet, draw pus out of boils or for constipation.

Have you noticed any problems with balance - head up or down. Does fish appear uncomfortable, shimmying?

10-11-2003, 04:07 PM
Wow, Discus do suffer a lot from constipation. I wonder if Ex-Lax would work on them? ;D ;D ;D J/K!!!