View Full Version : Egg Eating - New (Young) Pair

10-13-2003, 02:46 PM
Hi Everyone,

I know this topic has probably been asked a million times and if I took the time to read the archives i'd get my answer...but.......i hope you don't mind this being asked again.

I had 5 San Merah discus in a community tank that were about 12-15 mos old (I think). I noticed a pair form out of the 5 and was going to leave them in that tank. They spawned once in the tank and were okay. A few days later I noticed the other 3 were in pretty poor shape from being attacked by the pair so I removed the pair and put them in their own tank.

They have since spawned 2-3 times, every 10 or so days. Their "routine" is that the female lays the eggs and the male follows behind her but instead of following behind to fertlise the eggs, he eats them as soon as they come out of her!

So...my question is, is this hopefully something he will grow out of?


10-13-2003, 03:30 PM
Hi Ralph,

They are still pretty young... so if the one is in fact a male, he will probably outgrow it. Don't be fooled, just because they paired up and spawned. I've seen 2 females pair up, and one or both of them spawned. I was able to confirm they were both females, when both of them layed eggs.



10-21-2003, 09:49 PM
I guess he is learning :) I checked today and there are 6 eggs and two wigglers :)


10-22-2003, 12:36 AM
Then you have a confirmed pair. 8) Were there more wigglers yesterday? If yes, the parents may have moved them . . .