View Full Version : bulling problem please help

10-18-2003, 06:17 AM
one of my discus is realy pi-- me off and my other 2 discus
yes i have removed him twice moved thing's around but still after about a hour back to bulling. This only a new thing started about a week ago.will it just fade out.

many thanks

10-18-2003, 09:42 AM
Hi terry,

3 is not a good number of discus to keep together imo, i like 6 as a minimum in a growout tank. What happens is the dominant discus can control only 2 fish far too easily. he wants all the food and the space for himself. when there is 6 or more discus together the dominant discus has to spread his aggression over more discus. That way the last in the pecking order has a better chance of competing successfully and although aggression will be shown it won't have as much impact. What i would do is move the bully to another tank for the time being and look for a few more similar sized discus to add to you group.


10-18-2003, 08:59 PM
Thanks rod.