View Full Version : Are Wilds harder to breed??

10-18-2003, 12:56 PM
Hi all

I am new to discus and would just like to ask if wilds are harder to breed than domestics??? I have one wild blue heckel and was just wondering if it would be hard to breed her???


10-18-2003, 02:26 PM
In general it is harder to breed two wilds. From whart I've read they are more particular about water parameters, especially pH.

10-19-2003, 12:03 PM
Thanks Carol for the information.

I'm about to setup an only Discus tank bare bottom using peat filtered water. Going to add more wilds to my collection with the domestics so hopefully something will happen.

Cheers :) ;D :)

10-19-2003, 07:26 PM
Howdy georgeeight;

it sounds like an very difficult task, considerating the waters in England" being "so " old.. Soooooooo - I would srtongly recommend -- shipping them to me; here in Canada.

Hey, what are buddies for ??

Hahahahaha. lol.

Using peat condition water, is a step in the right direction. Try and get the water down to a soft level .. say ... 45 ppm/6.8[or so]pH.

The discus will respond.

One question ... George -- why do you want to breed wilds with domestics [ ??]. Keep the wild strain going.

Keep in touch buddy, and keep on posting. We are watching how everything turns out.
