View Full Version : one fish has no apetite

10-21-2003, 07:01 AM
hi everyone hope you can help me i have 7 discus and all are in good health but one of them does not seem to want to eat anything he has not eaten for about a week now :'( do you think i should be alarmed about this or not and is there anythink i can do to encourage him to eat
thanks mat :P

10-21-2003, 08:09 AM
I have 8 juvie Discus and have one guy who won't eat either and hasn't for at least a couple weeks. He is getting extremely thin and I suspect he has hex, however it is difficult to tell because I never see him pooping as he isn't eating. However he does spend alot of time in the corner though.

The interesting thing is when I purchased him he was a little shy (my mistake- I know now I should only purchase the aggressive ones) The others in the main tank pick on him alot, especially the red SS.

Anyways I have Paragon 11, but am afraid to use it, so I am thinking of trying some metro. I already tried raising temp and adding salt.

water parameters are fine and he is in bb.

10-21-2003, 11:01 AM
Add non-iodine salt and very gradually raise the water temp. You might be surprised at 87-88 what it will do for the fish. I have only added salt before and the fish have started eating.

8) 8)

10-21-2003, 12:39 PM
Yup. High heat and salt may do the trick. And if you have another tank, separate the fish and do the treatment there. Actually, if you don't have another tank, it's best to set-up one for treating your sick fish.

10-21-2003, 04:15 PM
Miles is correct salt and an increased temperature may get your fish eating again. Along with this you should do daily water changes of 30% or more and make sure your tank and filters are clean. If this does not work and the fish are still not eating in another 3 or 4 days post again and we'll explain how to use metro.

10-22-2003, 04:09 AM
I have the same situation. I have 12 discus in a tank and she was eating very well and then all of a sudden she was on the bottum of the todem pole and hasn't had a correct meal in weeks.

Not sure what happened. Was on the top of the feeding chaing and fell off..

Let us know what happens.
