View Full Version : Young pair Laid eggs again!

10-22-2003, 04:24 AM
My young pair laid eggs again. Got more than 50 eggs this time.. compare to last week about 20 eggs only.

I got few question to ask.

1)Can I remove the female b4 the eggs hatch ?? If so how can I do it ? By net ??? Wont scare the male ??

2) I need to be away starting from friday morning until sunday noon which I suppose it will start hatching into babies. Within this period if I dont feed the parent ?? Will they eat the fries ?? Big possibilities? ??

Hope to hear from comments.!! Thanks!!

10-22-2003, 05:38 AM
i wouldn't pull the female. good chance the male will get scared and eat the eggs, or not take care of them.

parents are good at doing their job, nature has done this for many years, let them practice and learn to do it right. don't make things more complicated than they need to be, use the KISS method ;D

10-22-2003, 06:01 AM

How about not feeding the parent for 3 days?? Today is wednesday. I suppose the eggs will hatch on tomolo night. or Midnight.

But I am leaving on Friday morning. So the last feeding I can do is on friday morning. I think I will feed bloodworm to the parents. 1 peice of hikari. Probably at very early morning!

Will be back only sunday around 4 pm. Hmmm ?? Will they eat the fries because of starved?

Thanks for comment!

10-22-2003, 12:27 PM
I always pull out female after laying, put wire mesh over the pipe, so male cannot eat the eggs or wriglers, also not feeding male for next 60 hours or until eggs hatches HTH

10-22-2003, 09:09 PM
They are not eating eggs and I suppose it will hatch tonight.
Both of them still inside with the eggs.

1st time I suppose the female ate the fries. Hope this time she will not go it again.

Will be away tomolo morning until sunday noon.

Hope they dont eat the fries.