View Full Version : All my discus on strike!!!

10-22-2003, 01:52 PM
Hi all, all my discus changed for some time.
The pair who used to spawn white eggs, stopped laying for some time now, and recently the male is having a go at the female.
The grow up tank; all of them used to be very friendly, when I used to sit next to the tank all of them swim in front of me waiting for food, now they are scared from every single thing, if any body gets to the room all of them swim so fast and hide in the corner.
The new pair formed (I told you about last time), I moved them to a tank of their on, they still hiding in the corner where the filter is (2weeks like that now)…by the way they all eat well.
My water still the same readings ph 7.2 no ammonia etc… the water is changed twice a week 50% each time.
It is so devastating to see all of my fish acting like this

10-22-2003, 05:49 PM

Have you done anything differently?? Perhaps changed bulb in room and it is now too bright or perhaps you had visitors that stopped by the tank and bang on it while you weren't watching or you did less frequent WC??

Try to think what was different before they acted funny. There lies your answer.

Let me know if you figure it out.



10-22-2003, 07:59 PM
I would do daily wc's of about 30 percent.....for now and i bet things will settle down. id say their not happy with thier water. and if your only doing it twice a week....your ph may slide? or you have a too high bioload. at any rate.....daily changes should make them happier.
let us know how it goes.

10-22-2003, 10:03 PM
Just in case, check with your water treatment facility (assuming you're using tap) I've heard of them changing the water composition for the winter months, and I know I've read on this forum once or twice about people who've experienced skittish fish because of this.

10-22-2003, 10:18 PM
With only 2 water changes per week I'd check the nitrates. Last winter I had serious problems and it turned out my water had high amounts of nitrates straight from tap.

Also, how many are left in the tank? If you had 6 and removed 2 then they may be feeling insecure. Discus like to be in groups.


10-23-2003, 03:32 AM
I hate when that happens.

Almost time to try somthing new. Have you considered moving the tank to a better location. I tried to have fish in my study but found that people walking by would freak them out. This eventually happened to every single fish but not always straight away. Lighting and shadows are vital factors too.

As the others have suggested examine the ph, kh, make sure your not getting swings in readings.

May I also suggest you consider looking at your cannsiter / filter system. Check to make sure the current isnt too strong. or the light bulbs.

How i solved the problem? Moved my tank into a BIG room, lots of area so fish see me coming. Soft light bulbs . :)



10-23-2003, 10:41 AM
Thank you all for your help, I will try what you guys sugested and let you know
all the best