View Full Version : What could this be

10-23-2003, 05:55 AM
Hi all

One of my fish has a lifted up scale near or on the lateral line with a white fungus like growth under it.
Could this be hole in the head or something else.

10-23-2003, 04:52 PM
Can you post a picture?

10-23-2003, 07:42 PM
Unfortuately i do not have anything to take a picture with.
Will be getting a loan of one in a weeks time but that could be too far away for this problem.

10-23-2003, 11:41 PM
IF you think it is fungus use salt or furan 2, if you think a parasite use formalin

10-24-2003, 12:42 AM
Use the salt and furan!


10-24-2003, 09:33 PM
Not looking good , your help is needed.
That fish now has the most tiny white dots on her body , you only can see them when she is at the right angle to the light. Something like white spot, but the dots look smaller.
In my other tank i have one dashing his under side of the gill area.
Another in that tank with what looks like hole in the head , yesterday i am sure she was fine , today 3 pits in the side of her head, these pits are together forming and odd shaped 3-4 mm diameter . A few Days ago i got a new fish ,(yes i should have isolated it ) she seems fine though.
I had also a few days ago got some daphia from a cold water stream , i did not feed them any but the net used to catch them was used back in the tank.
What should i do , I have some cure ex which is claimed to cure ecto and enoparasites in fish also cope-pods and worms.. This stuff is made up with negavon ,trichlorphon and formaldehyde. Used for 12 days.
I also have formalin.
some Malachite green.
No metro left apart from medicated food, can not get any more until the shop opens again in 3 days time.
Or is there something else i should try.


10-24-2003, 10:44 PM
Hi Troy:
Put some of the Cure ex in the tank and see if they improve. The ingrtedients are for external parasites. You should see improvement in less than a day if it is going to work

10-25-2003, 02:17 AM
Thanks Carol
Good to have people like you about in these difficult situations.

10-27-2003, 09:39 PM
Hi again

I am a little confused as to how this med works , i have also treated to holding barrel so i can still do small water changes. But i am not sure how much med to add when this water runs out. I am suppose to add 3 drops per litre on days 1, 3 ,6,8 and 10. is this med getting stronger in the water after each dose or does it deplete in strength over a few days and then you need to add more?

Well it has now been 3 days since i start the med, the discus with the raised scale looks a lot better most of the white which was under it has gone. But the other discus has not improved yet and some of the others that had very small white dots have not improved either.

I f this med should fail to work what other options do i have .
I do have some permanganate that was recommended by some one.


10-30-2003, 06:30 AM
Ok there are still white things appearing even though there is med in the tank. This white stuff could be a fungus over a very small hole, this one appeared near the lower part of the fishes body near the bottom fin. The other fish i thought had 3 holes were actually raised or lifted scalesthere is now a little bit of fungus there to and what looks like a few vry small black dots eating into the fish.
The poor fish have all lost color and very jumpy , i walk in the room and they all go nuts . A couple are not eating , i think the med is causing these later problems .

I am not liking the look of this
Has anyone had any experience with a parasite problem like this, your advice would be most appreciated.



10-30-2003, 08:44 PM
So, were you dosing the Cure Ex in the tank 3 drops per liter every other day as per instructions? IF this has not worked by now it is probably the wrong med.

You can't get Furan II . . . . Try salt at 1 tablespoon per gallon - replace with water changes - (change 10 gallons water add 10 tablespoons salt)

I don't know it your fish has fungus or if it has parasites, but the Cure Ex didn't work. I've not seen black dots . . . except on pigeonbloods.

10-30-2003, 09:15 PM
I have been using the med as said in the instructions.
I have also noticed a large hole or pit in the gill plate of one discus, i noticed this a few weeks ago and it has not got worse or better.
I will wait to all the med is syphoned out of the tank then i might try the salt.

11-03-2003, 12:08 AM
Heres an update

The fish with the raised scales now does have a pit with a black spec in the center of it. There is two discus now like this.
I found some info that sounds similar to the problem i have , Could be flukes (worm) that is black and boroughs it self into fish.
They say Potassium permanganate added to the tank a few times should be able to solve the problem.I mightb try this at some strage . Has anyone got any ideas or info to do with the above that they could share.

