View Full Version : newbie Q: Why yeast, what type?

10-28-2003, 01:59 AM
Hi all,
Can anybody tell me why put yeast into the BH recipe? Is it those yeast that make wine?

10-28-2003, 09:39 PM
I am not aware of any recipes that call for yeast in them. Where did you see this recipe?

10-29-2003, 12:21 AM
Vincent......I am unaware of such a recipie.


10-29-2003, 01:43 AM
I have never heard of using yeast before.

perhaps its used to help the blend stop falling apart. I know some people use gelatine , perhaps this is an alternative

i personally wouldnt bother using either



10-29-2003, 01:45 AM
Sorry, I couldn't remember where I saw them. I am sure it mention put yeast into the BH recipe. There is one far east web site mention it as well. Sorry again I 've done a lots of reading recently.

11-02-2003, 08:43 PM
The Yeast you would use is brewer's yeast. I use a small amount( >10 grams) per 1/2 lb BH batch. Untergasser mentioned using yeast in the BH mix. He mentions it in his Discus health book, which by the way has helped me more than all my other books combined. It might be a little expensive, but DEFFINITLY worth it. HTH


Rod Coleman
11-03-2003, 09:32 AM
FWIW Tetra colorbits lists dried yeast in its ingredients.

11-04-2003, 12:37 AM
Thanks everyone,
But what is the purpose of using brewer's yeast ( subs for gelatine?) . I happen to have some left from my DIY co2 set up.
I found shirmp and fish meat are pretty good for blend the BH mix for me.

11-05-2003, 04:16 PM
Vincent - adding the shrimp and fish meal is excellant.

Have you added garlic to your mixute[?]. A Jack Wattley special..


11-05-2003, 07:10 PM
Yes I do add garlic into the mix( maybe too much but my discus love my BH mix). I read someone mentioned it as a natural worm repellent and color enhancer.

11-06-2003, 06:13 AM
Yes, you are correct.

My filters smell like an Italian kitchen... lol..
I have even used green and yellow peppers.....
The discus do like it .......

They all hate spinach .. yuck!!!

11-07-2003, 10:19 PM
To answer Bobcat's question:
The brewer's yeast is an excellent source of the vitamin B complex.

11-07-2003, 11:57 PM
Thanks Ryan,
If I already put some child's multi vitamins into the BH mix, do you still recommand to put the yeast or not?


11-09-2003, 07:40 PM
umm, good question. It depends upon the quality of the vitamin, age of the vitamin(since viatmins deteriorate with time, light, humidity, etc.) and how much you put in there. Look on the package to see how much of the vitamin B complex is in there. If it is minimal, then go ahead, but if it is a fair amount, I would resist. But, any extra vitamins in the discus's system would be excreted via urine, I wouldnt worry about an over dose unless it is excessive. I personally would wait until you make another batch to add the yeast. I personally dont use vitamins because I try to satisfy the discus's needs by adding different foods. I use shrimp, carrot, spinich, egg yolk (no white), bananna, garlic, spiulina, ONF formula 1 and 2 flake food, and of course brewer's yeast. All of that combined with beefheart makes one complete meal. HTH


11-17-2003, 07:36 AM
why do you use only egg yolk??? i thought the egg white was full of protein????

what is it in egg yolk that is good for your discus??


11-21-2003, 09:32 PM
The egg yolk contains a much higher amount of protein, B vitamen complex, as well as carbs, and fats which are needed for maximum growth. The egg white does have a considerable amount of vitamins, but not as much as the yolk. Plus, the egg white has a certain chemical in it that acts as an Anti-Vitamin towards the B vitamin complex. Which means that it actually destroys the vitamin. The vitamin B complex is probably one of the most important vitamin complexes of them all. It helps in growth, boosts the immune system, as well as embyrotic devlopment. HTH


11-21-2003, 10:12 PM
thanks...that was a great explination!!!

i made a b/h mix last night and added one egg yolk to the mix

thanks again
