View Full Version : HELP!!!!

10-30-2003, 03:55 AM
i bought 2 discus from an aquarium and i only cycled my tank with "cycle bottle" and gold fish for 5 days ? is that a big problem. the fish store owner said as long as i keep on adding cycle it would be ok for them. Ph is blueish and greenis and i have drift wood to decrease ph, amonia 0 , nitrite 0 and temp on 29? hELP thanks a million. and whats the sign when their dying ?

10-30-2003, 03:59 AM
cycle doesnt work...as far as ive been told....you should find someone with a cycled sponge to add to your filter......
it takes 6 weeks to properly cycle a filter.
do large daily water changes for now.....all you can do.
why do you think their dying?

10-30-2003, 08:09 AM
you never said there's anything wrong with the fish. so assuming they are fine right now....

april is right it takes 4-6 weeks to cycle a filter.
if you change 25-50% per day with dechlorinated water it shouldn't matter.
keep your temp high for the first 4-6 weeks, like 88 degrees

add 1 tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons (not table salt) for the first week or until they are eating well.

the first signs they are not happy is if they turn dark.
theres a good change they won't eat for awhile if they do eat then they are doing ok.
discus generally don't eat flakes use foods such as beefheart, hikira bloodworms, brineshrimp, and tetrabits. live blackworms are like candy for them, they love it!

just keep a close eye, make sure they're color is good, they are eating well and the fins are high not clamped down against their body.

the high temp and salt will help them relax and get their metabolism going to make them hungry.

good luck and welcome to simply!