View Full Version : using a divider to separate an aggressive male

11-04-2003, 09:20 AM
I need a little input from those that divided a pair up. In my case its the male causing the aggression. For the last three days she's been hiding behind the H.O.B tube and when she comes out to eat he chases her back into the corner. She stays there until the lights go off. Its a 55gallon tank for one pair. I bought them as a spawning pair from a well known breeder and have seen their tubes so I know its a male/female. My question is for those that have separated a pair what was the result after removing the divider and how long did you keep them separated for? I just divided the tank in half with egg crate and was thinking of a week at first to give her a break.

thanks for you help


11-04-2003, 10:09 AM
Sometimes which appears to be a fight is actually not a fight for a breeding pair. If the male is constantly pushing against the stomach area of the female. This is not a fight. He is a highly stimulated male wanting to spawn and trying to entice the female to lay eggs. Broken fins can resulted from this action if the female is not ready. If they are a confirmed pair. It's the best to separate them with a clear material and allow them to see each others. Wait until the female start pecking a site and drill her head forcefully. Just simply lift the partition and let them spawn. All fighting will stop after they've spawned. Sometimes an incompatiable pair will start fighting again while guarding the eggs. You have no choice but to separate the less aggressive one and let both parents carrying the fry eventually with a partition. It's best to switch partner for the next spawn. HTH

11-04-2003, 10:43 AM
Hi Jimmy,
that is what I was thinking he is looking like he wants to breed but she's not ready. He drives her to the flower pot and then they dance together for a while nipping each others tubes and shaking their fins. She seems to get annoyed at his persistence and heads to the corner of the tank and comes out during feeding then he chases her to the corner again. She wasn't able to eat for three days so I decided to separate them for a while. Also her caudal fin is nipped up too so I'll let that heal a bit. So you would wait until she decides to clean a spot? She can see him but the divider is made of egg crate so Imagine some of her view is being blocked. Do you think the egg crate will still provide enough view for her to get in the mood. I have temp at 85 and the water I change them with is at 82. I do ever other day 80% water changes. I feed them cbw's and I make sure they have little in tank at all times. I hope this works because I really like the pair. If you want to see a pic I attached a link of some pictures of them. http://daah.info/forum/index.php?board=13;action=display;threadid=3540

Thanks I appreciate the help


11-04-2003, 11:21 AM
They are definately a keeper. I like the golden. You can simply change their color by the food they eat. I personally think the egg crate is not a good material to use. Fry cannot see the other parent from the other side and will not swim freely throught the square openings. I use the frame of the egg crate, knock off a big hole in the middle and net fishline through the holes. Somehow the pair will not push their head through the net if something is elastic or bouncing back. They will just stare at each others but will never come into contact. Fry can swim freely through the fish net. Esp. the golden. You need 2 parents to carry the fry mainly because their slime is limited to the frontal portion of the fish at the beginning.

11-04-2003, 12:33 PM
I have the same problem with my pair. They spawned several times long ago, then the female (I presumed the passive one is a she) seemed to have lost interest.

Day in and day out the bigger male would charge in from the side to ram the female in the stomach area. The female would usually float/swim up and to get out of the way.

I tried using a divider for several days and both discus would swim up and down along the divider, to get "close" to the other one. It seemed they were longing for one another. But as soon as I removed the divider - ram bam boom - off went the male charging into the female.

I don't expect this pair to spawn, and I don't particularly care. The only concern I have is wheher this daily beating will harm the smaller one.

Any insight into this will be greatly appreicated.

11-04-2003, 01:49 PM
If they are incompatible to each others. Forced marriage will never work. It's better to return them back to another handsome suitors and let them pair up by themselves with another partners. I usually drop the female among a group of males and let them fight for the female. Usually the most dominant male will win and chase the rest of the group to the other side of the tank. Most pair formed this way will not fight and usually make good parents.

11-04-2003, 02:02 PM
I believe mine where in a tank of 10 and they paired up and spawned for Cary. Thats when I bought them. In the begining the female was way more aggressive than the male even though she's half the size of him. I believe I was a little lazy with some things for a time and just recently I have been pounding them with food and water changes and changing temps on the water changes. So recently the male got frisky and the female isn't quit their yet. I didn't want her to get hurt so I bought the egg crate last night. She's been eating like crazy since I divided them. I'm going to try to keep them seperated for a week the first time or if I see her cleaning a site and then give it a go. If it doesn't work I don't think he will kill her or nothing I just don't want her stressed and get sick. My plan is to get her fat and happy and do all I can to get her into a breeding mood like the male. I might turn up the temp from 85 to 88 and then do water changes at a temp of 84-85.


11-04-2003, 02:33 PM
This will work just fine. As long as she is eating and not sick. She can develope eggs and ready to spawn within 2 weeks. You probably don't have long to wait. start adjusting the conductivity daily and reduce W/C to drop the Ph. Since they are confirmed pair. You'll get some babies soon. Good luck.

11-04-2003, 02:39 PM
Thanks Jimmy I appreciate it


11-04-2003, 10:29 PM
Mine paired up from the 4 juveniles that I got from over 16 months ago. This is the "alpha" pair from the 4. I have tried putting the female together with the remaining 2 discus, but she'd just beat up those 2.

I guess my biggest problem is not having more space - I live in a small apartment and I can't afford more space for another tank. Oh well, not much I can do.


11-05-2003, 02:54 PM
I do somewhat agree with what Jimmy has said but, I pull the male and let him chill for awhile and when the female is ready I add him back to the tank. I will tell you this much, the female will lay when she is dang good and ready, regardless of what her partner says or dose.
