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View Full Version : Wild Green from LFS

11-06-2003, 10:33 AM
I Just had to buy this guys. These guys are huge. One measure at least 6" to 7" It's a monster and I only paid 40.00 a piece for 'em. They'll be a good addition to my planted 125gal.


11-06-2003, 10:42 AM
I always hear that wilds have poor shape compared to the Domestics... But I have to say...Those fish definetly cast doubt on that ! Actually I thinks theres plenty of good wilds out there that cast doubt on that saying.

Nice Fish Dan., I would have bought them too! :)


11-06-2003, 10:51 AM
Really nice, I like them ........ good luck

11-06-2003, 10:56 AM
Good find Dan! Glad to see they will be in good hands.


11-06-2003, 11:53 AM
Thank you for the vote of confidence.

As you know I been battling the plague. Good news most haved recovered with the exception to the BDs. They seem to have gotten worse. Sadden to say most of the discus that were less than 2" were lost. Fish that are slow to recover are moved together in a separate room to avoid reinfestation. Al, any suggestion with BD. It seems that medication is not doing anything to help them. I have double dosed them now for more than 10 days with no sign of getting better.

Pics of the lucky ones. Lost only 2. There's fifteen in the tank


11-06-2003, 11:56 AM
Here's pic of the greens the following day.

11-06-2003, 01:11 PM
Aloha Braddah, nice greens brah. I just spent a few green backs on some large discus from a gentleman who was editor for FAMA at some point in his hobby. His name is Alfred Auserillo. He had a huge male red turq trow back from a long time ago. The base color is more browm red than red. He measures about 8" a brute. This male believe ot or not was paired with two malboro reds close to seven inches. I also bought three red pearl pidgeon bloods that were gorgeous, they are about six inches in dia. I got some red royal blues that are five inches plus. I will most likely by the rest of his stock if no one bids on them. He has them on aquabid under mistermr.

I cant wait to get them home. I have lots of tanks to set up before I go to get them. He is concentrating on his goldfish and angels.

Danno ;D just kidding, the best part about this is I included my wife in the purchase. She does not do anything but check them over for me. I mean that she makes sure that they are healthy with no bugs, worms,etc. I have very poor eyesight due to my kidney transplant complications. But I do all medicating, water changes , etc. (GOTTA LOVE MY BEST HALF)

Alfred also has about five huge blue diamonds or I think personally they are cobalts as the strees bars show up sometimes. These are the ones I will purchase if no one bids for them.

Anyways Braddah, Check you latah.

Braddah, Ike ;D

11-06-2003, 01:54 PM
Hey Braddah,
You smart huh? I'm still trying to get my wife interested in discus. My wife is a nurse and can sometimes get sample meds for me.
I hope things looks up for you. I think it's time to take a vacation to Waianae. Much aloha braddah and mahalo.


11-06-2003, 03:43 PM
Hi Dan,
Some fish will take longer than others to get over a bacterial infection.... were the blue diamonds The carriers?
