View Full Version : 5 Adults in a 65 Gallon... Pairing Up?

11-06-2003, 07:41 PM
Hey everyone... I am placing a few (5) of my Adult discus in 65 gallon tank... I have never done this before with larger fish and they are like little kids again chasing each other around...

Here is the question... It is the fourth day now and I am noticing what looks like pecking bruises on the sides of the discus... I know that my smaller ones do this but since these guys are larger they seem to cause more damage to each other... The goal is to try to see if there is a pair in the bunch so is this normal? What is the (usually what happens...) story?

On a side note... I have read that usually two discus become protective of an area and chase others away... Have any of you ever seen just one discus gaurd half the tank? This behavior just starting happening today...


11-07-2003, 02:41 PM
Yes, they are just establishing the pecking order and who gets the best spot in the tank. I'd put in two terra cotta pots or breeding cones - one at each end.

11-07-2003, 03:44 PM
Thank you Carol... I have one pvc with suction cups on one end and a pvc in the middle of the tank... most of the activity seems to be around the middle pvc and only one gaurds the pvc on the end...
