View Full Version : wc everyday ??

11-06-2003, 07:56 PM
hello, it always amaze me when i hear ppl doing wc everyday for their discus tank? i understand discus like clean water but does it really necessary to do wc everyday? will there not be enough benefical bacteria? ::)
i have a 60 G w/ five 3" discus in it and i'm doing wc once everyweek ....for around 30%
thank you

11-06-2003, 08:07 PM
will there not be enough benefical bacteria O, dont worry about bacteria! Ive learned from experience that the bio still cycles thru the ammonia and nitrite stages! If you want to see it for yourself, put some fish in and try it but believe me, Ive had ammonia problems, Ive had nitrite problems! The only problems that I have not had is nitrate problems which are around 0! LOL!

So, in a nut shell, yes, water changes are benefical for growth but dont forget to feed quality food manys times a day! Im not saying you cant do it, but with fry it is nesseccary. However, I do have a planted tank that I do weekly 50% wc's! But no fry, only runts and adults go in planted tanks!

Btw, where abouts are you in Canada?

11-07-2003, 12:04 AM
i'm from vancouver

11-07-2003, 02:48 AM
well hi Mugen. i am also from Vancouver.
you need to do daily wc;s especially to keep your ph from sliding iwth our water.
also...you should add crushed oyster shells which you can get from king ed pets. or coral.
also...for growing your fish will grow way better if you add kent ro right. our water is mineral poor and very slow growth. since i use that...i get way better growth. the more wc's you do the better growth. i do about 80 percent a day on my young ones.
check your ph....as it changes alot in vancouver depending on our rainfall.
what fish do you have and what size?

11-07-2003, 04:16 AM
i have 2 red turq, 1 BD, 1PB and 1 marlboro red. they are aroudn 3"
but if i add coral in , it will raise the ph and i always thought discus like ph of 6.5 range .....
have u heard the Kent essential ?? do that thing works ?