View Full Version : What a Job!!!

11-09-2003, 12:28 AM
Well I just spent all day tearing down my 125 planted tank.Set up for 3 years. What a mess! I found something really creepy in there! Found 3 about 3inch long bright red segmented worms , YUCK! :o Painted the back and the bottom and will be putting drift wood and petrified wood back in maybe a few amazon swords in pots. Hope to have all discus back in their much easier to clean home by tomarrow.BB are the best!
Do you think I should deworm my Discus????

11-09-2003, 12:06 PM
I'd be really grossed out if your discus started dropping red segmented worms! Congratulations for returning from the Dark Side. May the Force be with you.

The problem I have with the intermediate solution, a couple of Amazon plants in pots, is that they get covered with algae because there's not enough plant life to compete.

Good luck, Willie

11-09-2003, 02:08 PM
Those red segmented worms are probably bristle worms - not from the discus.