View Full Version : Creativediscus

11-09-2003, 01:07 PM
Creativediscus is a store in Singapore owned and run by Conrad and Winnie. They have won the National 2002 Grand Champion in Singapore and International 2002 Best Wild Form. What sets them apart from other stores is they do not sell discus less than 3" and usually not less than 4" really. So what you see is what you can expect it to turn out like. They only specialize in High Quality. Their website is: http://www.creativediscus.com/

If you are interested contact them directly or call me and I might be able to help bring it in if you want.

11-09-2003, 01:07 PM
Chercker Board

11-09-2003, 01:08 PM

11-09-2003, 01:08 PM

11-09-2003, 01:08 PM

11-09-2003, 01:08 PM

11-09-2003, 01:09 PM

11-09-2003, 04:19 PM
Jeff thanks for sharing the pictures. Where did you learn to take such good shots. Thanks for the link also as I am always looking for new places to shop. I think Trusty who lurks around here will find the pictures interesting as I know he is looking for some nice Discus.

11-09-2003, 04:51 PM
you caught me george i am looking at the pics i like the fish nice :o lol ;D

11-09-2003, 05:18 PM
Thanks George. I try hard to get good pics, but sometimes you just get lucky. The fish also have to cooperate to some extent.

11-09-2003, 05:33 PM
You're on a roll Jeff!

Great pics!


11-09-2003, 05:43 PM
Wow... very nice ... Thanks again Jeff


11-09-2003, 05:49 PM

You're performing a wonderful service for the hobbyist community at large, especially since its done without expectation of any specific business benefits. We all owe you a vote of thanks. I hope everyone look hard at throwing some business your way. I know I will.


11-09-2003, 05:55 PM
I agree. its done as a learning tool..and so we can all see what is available and what their working on. love seeing the farms. its great. thanks jeff. ;D 8) :thumbsup:

11-09-2003, 06:48 PM

THANKS again for the GREAT pics.

I see on their web site that they breed those new calico discus. Did you get a chance to see those? Are they as nice in person as their pics?

Their web site also has some AWESOME BDs. They look like MONSTERS. Let me know if bring any of those in.


11-09-2003, 06:58 PM
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: thanks Jeff!

11-09-2003, 07:11 PM

Thank you. My intention is to be unbiased in posting these pics and links to their stores. You're right I receive no compensation for my time, don't resale anything from any of the places I have posted so far, nor would I receive any commission if any fish are sold. I will be also doing the same for the breeder I do import from though as well in the near future.

The reason I'm doing this is just to make as many people as possible aware of what is out there, what their options are, and what quality is. The fish are not fantasy fish. They are not pics taken from a book and posted here. They are not pics taken by a professional photographer and enhanced. All pics have only been cropped and posted. No photo enhancements have been made. Any of the fish posted here can be purchased and owned by any of the Simply members. For so long I feel the US has had substandard discus. By posting pics of store after store of available discus of different strains I'm hoping to raise the quality of what Americans should expect from me and other breeders/importers. If your breeder/importer does not offer you this quality shop around. It is available and easier to find than what you might be led to believe or call any of these places directly and purchase from them. These are NOT 1 in a million fish. Don't settle any longer!!!! If you have any questions please feel free to call me anytime.

11-09-2003, 07:14 PM
Gary, Trusty and all,

I do not import from Creative. However, if you guys want to make a list you could group order and I could recieve and ship to you guys. You would need to contact Conrad or Winnie to do this and then we could work out the details. Yes their stock rocks!!! :)

Yes I did see the calicos. There is a new generation coming out soon so I didn't post pics of what they have now. It should be out within a few months I believe. I love that fish.

11-09-2003, 09:07 PM
nice spotteds

11-09-2003, 09:14 PM
Thanks Again Jeff,
Another great job done :thumbsup:

Paul :guitarist:

11-09-2003, 09:18 PM
Thanks for your offer of help Jeff. I've sent an e-mail off to Conrad & Winnie.


11-09-2003, 09:24 PM
Ok. If there are a few what I was thinking is you guys pay them and have them ship to me. You guys pay and split the import fees and I will repack and forward to you. The advantage is you will pay less in health certs and import fees splitting it up rather than one per order and save on shipping. This could easily save $150-200 PER PERSON. I will offer my services for free to help out. I want to see quality here.

11-09-2003, 09:33 PM
Jeff, thanks a lot , it is really nice of you to share all these wonderful pics with us ..... I am wondering is it possible for you to share with us the cost of the discus you post .... May be I will try to get some here in the UK(for me) ... fish here not so good compare to over there
many thanks to you

11-09-2003, 10:14 PM
Actually EIHAB I don't know their prices. I just took the pics. You would have to contact them for that. Sorry.

11-10-2003, 12:13 AM
Lovely Fishes :)

11-10-2003, 05:26 AM
While I was at Creativediscus Conrad sat down and explained to me his philosophy of the three categories of fish he breeds. This is very simple to understand and sheds new light on why certain discus cost more than others. I never thought about it in this way before but it makes a lot of sense to me after reading it. After I did the post of their store and some of their discus I emailed him the link and he was nice enough to sit down and type this out so it could be posted for all the members to share and learn from. Creativediscus not only just sells discus, but also believes in sharing their information of the knowledge they have with other hobbyists.

Conrad and Winnie please join Simplydiscus as members and feel free to part any wisdom you have on us from time to time. We appreciate the info and are egger to learn.

Thank you,


Simple classification of discus for beginners.

To make it simple for beginners because of all the fancy names in the discus market now I have classified them into three groups for easy reference. The one step, two-step and three step fish.

One step

Discus that breeds 100% (homogeneous), which means 100% of the fries, is the same.
The breeders just have to take care of the shape and size of the fishes. (Blue Diamond, solid reds, solid yellow, whites etc.)

Two steps

Discus that have a base color and pattern. Out of 100% of the fries only about 10-20% will achieve “ Full Body Pattern “ the breeders not only have to take care of the requirements as the ‘one step’ but have to pick the best 10-20% as the rest will not attain full body pattern. (Turquoise, snakeskin, checkerboard etc.)

Three steps

Discus that have a base color, pattern and spots. Out of 100% of fries only about 5-13% will achieve ‘ full body pattern and full body spots’ By now I don’t have to tell you what the breeders have to look out for in this strain of discus. (Spotted snake, leopard, leopardsnake etc.)

I’m not saying that the one step is not as good as the three steps, to create a solid fish also has its problems. First they have to cross two fish with less patterns and pick from the fries with lesser patterns for further crossing till the desirable “Solid Color” without pattern is achieved.

As for the blue diamond and cobalt they work the other way round, by crossing fish with thick patterns and pick the pieces with thicker patterns for further crossings.

This page is just to let the beginners know what they are buying and why some discus cost more than others, due to the genetic built-up and the work the breeders put in into creating that strain. Happy discus keeping.

All the best,

Conrad and Winnie

11-10-2003, 08:47 AM
Jeff is correct in looking around all over the world for the Discus you want. Like he said it's not that hard to get what you want but I am saying are you willing to import your own? Are you willing to take a chance? If not! stick to the breeders here in the U.S and Canada there are a lot of good breeders here with a lot of nice fish. It's not cheap to import your own but you can do it and you need to save up the money to do it. It can get expensive as most breeders have a set dollar amount before they will ship to you. I imported my own Discus at the first part of 2003 when I decided to go with Mr. Chai of Chai Discus Farms in Singapore. At the moment I am in the process of looking around Asia for my next set of Discus and it takes time to make all the connnections. So like Jeff said get togethere with a couple of people and get what you want either here in the U.S, Canada or Import them but they can be had.