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View Full Version : Male not interested... UPDATE!

11-10-2003, 01:15 PM
I have a very nice Cobalt Female and a nice Giant Pearl Male that I would like to match up... I have had them in a 29gallon for the last few months and doing the usuall heavy feeding and clean water...

More recently I have been doing water changes with cold RO and have noticed the Female going nuts cleaning several spots and shaking like crazy trying to get the Male to notice or show some interest. But all he seems to want to do is eat and search for food. This is a proven fertile Male... Just cant get him interested...

Any of you have this problem? If so how did you resolve?


11-10-2003, 01:59 PM
dont worry, when female starts laying eggs, he will come to spawning site either to fertilize or eat the eggs

11-11-2003, 02:55 PM
Ok I have been slowly lowering the TDS and poundin them with food... I am going to hit them with 50ppm water today... fingers crossed... hopefully get a step closer....


11-11-2003, 03:06 PM
watch for ph regularly at this TDS it is easy to crash

11-13-2003, 06:34 PM
Ok I have slowly lowered the PPM now to about 110 with another cool water change today... And now I got him shaking... It is wierd to watch because it seems each one has there own way of demonstrating breeding behavior... He would get right in the females face, tilt his head up and swim backwards... after that he started shaking like usual... but now she seems to be the one not really interested... although she is following him around very closely...


11-13-2003, 08:36 PM
sounds like things are beginning to happen ;) ....just be patient, and keep going with what you're doing..most of my fish stopped spawning for the entire summer-drove me nuts..

11-22-2003, 12:21 AM
cesar_1304, good luck! I was thinking of maybe adding some peat extract or something, but the things you have been doing should work. Anyways, I guess it doesn't really matter since now they are starting to do thing together. Let us kow how it turns out! cheers

11-23-2003, 07:12 PM
I have been cleaning the tank daily but have been adding water every 2 to 3 days and when I do its usually a 50% water change with RO. I have also been playing with placement of the pvc pipe... Its funny but from what I can see it makes a bit of difference. When I place it in the corner they wont go near it they start cleaning the sides of the tanks instead. The female seems to like it when I place it in the center of the tank.

Anyways more shaking today... It seems to be more intense than usual this morning as she is shaking and cleaning the pvc in a downward movement. The male helps but does not like it when I enter the room and goes to the front of the tank and sits there watching me.

still waiting...

11-23-2003, 09:49 PM
You aren't using pure RO water are you?

11-24-2003, 02:51 PM
No... Sorry for the confusion... its mixed with waste water to keep it between 100 to 150ppm treated and aerated in its seperate barrel...


11-28-2003, 04:00 PM
ok so I was looking through some of my books when I remembered about adding a third discus to the tank to strengthen a bond or create a new one... When I dropped that third fish in with the two... the wierdest thing happened the two that I have been trying to get to spawn turned super dark and the stress bars turned white! They sat there and fluttered there fins for a while as they just stared at the new arrival... Then the beating commenced... it was not even 5 minutes before I had to pull the new discus out...

Fingers crossed...


P.S. Beat up discus is doing fine... eating and healing...

11-28-2003, 04:14 PM
Nothing to do but wait . . . .