View Full Version : something wrong with it's eye...

11-19-2003, 07:43 AM
i posted this in the general section but didn't get a proper responce to my question.... could you guys check it out and get back to me with any ideas or thoughts....thanks

have alook at one of my fishes eyes.....it is much small then the other eye and appears to be more "inside" it's head then it should be. other then being a fussy and shy fish it is very healthy.

is this going to be a problem in life?? is it probably blind in that eye? sometimes when i walk near the tank and it's facing it's wonky eye towards the front of the tank it stays there when all the other fish swim off and hide...is this a sign that it's wonky eye is not working properly?

is this probelem transfered genetically??? if it is it's no good to me down the track as a breeder....

thanks for your help and comments


11-19-2003, 09:56 AM
The question was answered...but regarding another problem. The chip in the eye....THAT is genetic and the fish should not be bred for that reason alone.

As for the size difference in the eye....IMO..IME... yadda yadda....YES its "typically" genetic....and yes, the fish is more than likely blind in the small eye. Or at least has highly impared vision.


11-19-2003, 07:00 PM
thanks tony