View Full Version : Special Thanks

11-20-2003, 03:22 AM
Well just like to let everyone know that I'm going to be out of the discus hobby. I think it's just not the type of fish for me. I've been keeping fishes for many years, from guppies to many other types of cichlids. When i bought my 4 discus few months ago, I tried to keep it in optimal health and happy, however problems just comes and come, health problems, fished jump out of tank, died instantly, never get use to me each time i come near them they just freak out even during feeding time. Checked amonia, nitrite, ph level, everything. Even the discus breeder couldn't even overcome my problem. I think i need patients but I have been patients for around 3 months. Well I think i might move more towards other types of cichlids. Oh wells Good luck with your discus keeping peoples. Thanks for all the help and support especially to carol roberts. Maybe I might come back to discus when I think I'm really ready? This site has been a great help and thanks to everyone who has helped me out with my discus keeping.

11-20-2003, 03:35 AM
Sorry for you lost, hope to see you back soon :)


11-20-2003, 11:33 AM
Im also very sorry to see you go! :(
Why not give it another chance? We are here to help! ;) There are many people in Austriala perhaps there is somone near you that can visit and help! Just a thought! ;)

11-20-2003, 11:51 AM
sorry to hear about your fish......perhaps your tank just wasnt ready yet....with being completely cycled etc. i say keep going with cycling it etc for about 4 to 6 more weeks and then try again. this time with some nice home grown ones from a hobbyist in your area and perhaps they will help and make sure your setup for them .

11-20-2003, 01:24 PM
I must be an idiot (no comments please) ;DYour experience would make me try twice as hard. :P I had some problems when I started. We all did. I nearly cried the first time my fish finally got it all right only to eat the free swimmers. My wife talked me in off the ledge. Other people are doing it, you can do it. Dont give up find out whats wrong and fix it. I hope the pep talk helps. Rich

11-20-2003, 02:59 PM
Quite honestly, you never get anywhere if you give up too easily. These fish are worth the learning curve. Alot of us have gone thru much worse and have done it over and over again. Reconsider before you give up on this beautiful fish. Frank

11-20-2003, 03:18 PM
NAH...I say give up! flush them down the toilet!. Who wants to deal with a fish that requires constant water changes, different type of food (frozen, live, and dry). Not to mention the constant watch to make sure they are eating, are health, and have nice colors.

Eventually you end up spending all of your money on it. Not to mention your free time and open space. You will have more than one tank. Most likely one tank in each room or a whole dedicated fish room. Who wants to spend countless hours watching them swim around, peck at each other and such. This is all the easy parts. I have not even got to the point of breeding them yet.

So I would say turn away before it is too late!!!!!


Ps. But if you are curious why we all do this and a lot more. Then stick around read some more and ask more questions. Find someone locally who will mentor you and someone you can bounce ideas off of. Like everything in life, there is a lot of different paths that leads to the same goal. Sometimes it is better to find someone who is successful and follow their path instead of trying too many different ways. When you have some success then you can experiment.
They don't call discus King of the Aquarium for nothing. If it was easy I doubt you will have as many addicts as there are. But having said all that discus is not for everyone. Those of us that enjoys them can't live without them.

11-20-2003, 03:42 PM
LOL! Henry!

You sum it up very nice! ;)

11-20-2003, 04:05 PM
Ditto, Henry! Nicely put.

My condolences on your lost fishy. Hope you overcome it and give it another shot again. **Ang**

11-20-2003, 09:59 PM
yes Henry great summary. i think the bigger the challenge they are for us the more determined and stubborn we get!! i guess maybe its a personality thing.....dont let them beat us and we are gonna....win!!!
please find a breeder if you can or a hobbyist and talk to them and go see theres. also.you started with fish that perhaps already were compromised...so werent strong and robust.

11-20-2003, 11:27 PM
Sorry to hear that you have made the choice to give up on Discus. I too had many challenges, some were met with success and some doomed to failure. But the one thing That I always remember, was what I read in a magazine. "What works for some people does'nt always work for others. do what works for you, even if it is not the norm as far as Discus keeping goes"
Retreat, regroup, and come back with with renewed vigour!

11-21-2003, 02:20 AM
Human beings get tired of things very quickly if it's too easy for them..if there's no challenge I am sure you will also quit the hobby within a short period..if everything is a routine for keeping discus..I would have quit long time ago ;D

11-21-2003, 02:27 AM
well, do come back soon. Coz you will be a better person to try again....:) best wishes in what ever you do..

11-21-2003, 02:48 AM
Well said.

Discus are tough as nails, aslong we do our part in caring for the them. The biggest reward is seeing the fry with the parents.


11-22-2003, 12:16 AM
Hey guys, thanks for all the encouragement and stuff. I think i might get back to discus and this time really get some nice home bred discus. Maybe I haven't cycled the tank long enough. But as you guys know, I'm a newbie. But yeah maybe i'll come back soon and continue with my discus adventure. Because reading through posts and looking through the gallerys of beautiful discus and breeding discus, just puts me back on the job. I guess I'm not really over it but yeah hope to come back soon. thank you

11-22-2003, 01:27 AM
hey boydiscus. this might not work for you. but everyone who started on discus had some problem one way or another. i know i did and everyone else i knew. what i've learned in raising discus is not to treat it like a baby. i know i did and i had a lot of problem. that's what happen when you read to many damn books.

it is a cichlid. cichlid are very hardy fish. if your just raising/keeping discus dont' worry to much about the water parameters. just make sure your temp is around 82-86, change water daily(use any water conditioner) and you should be fine.

they were days where i don't use water conditioner. i figure the chlorine will kill any parasite and the chlorine will disapate the next day. but this is just me. i'm no water expert. my discus never seems to mine.

pump them up with live food like cbw, bloodworms and change water daily if you want to make them grow fast. just make sure you rinse the worms really good. don't over feed them though were you see them bloated. you notice i didn't mentioned anything about the ph. and i'm not going too unless your breeding. ime discus learn to adapt but one thing discus don't like are rapid changes. specially ph.

sorry you had to leave the hobby. i'm just about to come back after 7 years of hiatus.

again this is just my way or raising this fish. i mean cichlid.
