View Full Version : My fish have not begun to eat..WHY?

11-20-2003, 08:35 PM
I've had my first group of discus ever for only two day, so I'm clarly a novice, but I have a question. My fish have yet to eat. They look good and acting happy. The fish are just not eating the flakes I'm feeding them. They are 3-4 inches and in a 80 gallon tank with tetras (eating) and cory cats (eating). Should I worry? I've read and heard about water changes and feeding, but I hesitate to change the water while my tank is cycling. All my water parameters seem right, but no feeding yet. Help!

11-21-2003, 12:48 AM
Although it probably does not have anything to do with them not eating, feel free to change your water. In fact, its a really good idea. Just be sure to use aged water. You want your filters to be colonized with nitrifying bacteria. That is what is referred to as "cycling". Water changes will not affect this process.

As for them not eating, I would find out what they were fed prior to you buying them and feed them that first and then gradually add other kinds of food into their diet. If that does not work, try live Blackworms. No healthy fish can resist them. They are too yummy!


11-21-2003, 10:40 AM
I've read and heard about water changes and feeding, but I hesitate to change the water while my tank is cycling. I agree with Ryan! Change your water and change it daily (twice a day at 40% is better) around 75% (and like Ryan mentioned, aged, dechlorinated, heated water only). The first and foremost prioity are your fish. The bio will catch up eventually but your fish may be seriously harmed if ammonia/nitrites levels rise. Make sure you have lots of Seachem Prime on hand which detoxifies ammonia/nitrite levels but still allows the bio to use it to cycle.

Also, measure the ammonia/nitrite levels twice a day, morning and evening.

Just a few questions!
How long has your tank been setup?
Is it bare bottom or gravel?
Live plants or fake?
What are your water parameters like ph, gh, kh?


As for the eating part, Ryan posted good advice on finding out what they are use to eating before. ;)